Thursday, January 31, 2008

End Of The Month

Looking back on it all, January has been a pretty busy time of the year for us.

Yesterday Trish decided to go to a "Stitchers Club" where about 80 local stitchers attended. It looks like it will be a good social gathering for her. Though a bit 'cliquey' the table she is 'on' are all good ladies. I am going to give the sunshine Coast computer Club a try on Saturday morning.

Though we had had a few mls of rain overnight it looked fine enough to head off for a bike ride this morning. However we did get a shower of rain which began about 7:45 am. I got home at about 7:46 am and hardly got wet at all. Trish got home about 7:50 and looked a bit like a drowned rat! We ride independently now so she can ride at her own pace and I am not held up. I did the Corbould Park Horse Race Track ride today. I haven't been on that one for a while because it is a popular hangout for rogue magpies in season and it has a couple of nasty hills. But there are some sensational views which unfortunately the camera doesn't do justice too. Lots of long grass from all the rain in the foreground too!

However the ride has one section which is at least 600 metres long and is downhill all the way! In full flight, the bike can get up to over 50 k's an hour down there! That is handy as a park at the foot of the hill is also the home of some magpies who lie in wait during breeding season for unsuspecting walkers and bike riders!

Then upon arrival back home, the rain starts! However it was a not a long shower and I managed a swim in the pool to cool off after the ride!

Lou Ann from Texas says it is so dry and windy there that there are numerous bush fires even though it is winter! I spoke with her via Skype yesterday to check out if the Skype video was working alright. It turns out the video problem is from my end but I worked out a way to get around it. Video coming from others does not automatically appear on my screen. I have to manually start it up. I have gone back to a previous version of Skype (3.5) and will see if that fixes the problem.

We watched the movie "Eastern Promises" last night. A bit blood thirsty but not too bad a show at all.

We have had 10 inches of rain in January!

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