Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Searchers

Last night we went to the RSL to see (again) the 60's English Pop group "The Searchers". Two originals remain in the group and they are now aged well into their 60's. They are seasoned professional performers. Our table was up front and gave us a great view. Neighbours Debbie and Tony joined us. The meal was 'typical RSL' meaning it was OK.

The audience were mostly people our age or older. There were some great rock n rollers there reliving their younger days when the danced at any one of the numerous Town Halls across Australia. Many of them are still great rock n rollers.

The band came on just after 8 pm and entertained us for almost 2 hours doing all their hit songs from days so long ago. They had quite a few No.1 hit songs and sang them all as well as some of their lesser known numbers and old time favorites. There was a lot of hand clapping and joining in with the songs. Towards the end of the show, many of the audience jumped up onto the dance floor and joined in with a neverending version of "Everytime That You Walked In the Room". The house was nearly brought down with "You'll Never Walk Alone" too.

After the show the band members came out to pose for photographs, give autographs and sell their CD's and DVD's. It was a great night and everyone had a fantastic time.

It seems both Trish and I may have got a crook bit of fish for our meal last night as we both feel a little off color this morning! Or it could have been that we had a little too much to drink!

Under Les' Links to the right is a link to Youtube and The Searchers At The RSL. It is movie clip I took last night of the band singing "Young Girl". It captures the mood of the night and of the show the guys put on. You will need a fast internet connection to watch it though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ilooked at your video and recognized the song when I heard it. But I never knew that group. What does RSL mean?