Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday ....

I enjoy the drinking part of Home Brewing but there is another side too. The stuff has to be made and then bottled. Today I had to get ready to bottle the brew I put on last Tuesday (on the left in the photo below). Since then my back has been crook and even after two visits to the Chiropractor, it is still best described as 'tender'. But a brew waits for no man, when it is ready to be bottled, it needs to be bottled.

At 6:30 am this morning I was up ready to wash bottles. Each brew makes about 30 to 32 bottles. I had almost 60 empty bottles so I decided to wash all of them and put a second brew on (on the right in this photo) ready to be bottled next Monday. Each bottle gets washed or rinsed 5 times. 300 washes or rinses (and about 90 minutes) later all 60 bottles were drying.

The pool was then vacuumed and after that I set about getting the new brew up and running. That took almost another hour. The back was feeling good so I decided to mow the lawn as well. 30 minutes later that was finished.

It was about 10 am and the weather today is overcast and cool with some light rain promised for later today. I jumped on the bike and did a lazy 10k's.

When the bottles are 100% dry they need to be stored safely. I will do this later this afternoon.

I will sleep well tonight and hopefully the back will be OK tomorrow morning.

Last week's rainy weather really brought the frogs (and cane toads) out. Their croaking can be very very load. Trish found this guy in the garden!

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