Friday, July 31, 2015


It is Friday and after setting out for a bike ride yesterday at around 8 am, I am waiting until it is a bit warmer this morning before heading off.  We are expecting a top of 24° today with only a little breeze.  It was low teens when I rode yesterday but the wind chill factor made it feel much cooler.

But the icy wind is due to leave us today with warmer northerlies expected over the next couple of days.

As the photo shows, I rode down to Pumicestone Passage yesterday. That is Caloundra you can see in the photo over to the left and the Pacific Ocean out through the entrance. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Little news again I am afraid.  Kate, Arj and family finish their European holiday today and are due to venture back to KAUST in Saudi Arabia.  There is a direct flight from Paris to Jeddah so their trip home should be completed easily with a non stop flight.  Are you keeping up with their adventures on Arj's blog?  He has had a bit of fun in a carpark with a boulder.  It seems it would be pretty easy to do what he did. (HERE)

Trish and a few of the ladies from Stitchers are heading away for the weekend.  One of the others owns a holiday place at a spot called Lake Cootharaba.  The house is beside the lake and it is picturesque and peaceful.  They will enjoy a few drinks together, have a good chat and sit quietly, possibly playing cards.  Trish enjoys it very much.

I will prop at home.  I have Computer Club tomorrow and there is heaps of sport on TV for me. I also have a bottling to complete most likely on Sunday morning at this stage. 26° or so is our expected top tomorrow.  It cools off a bit come Tuesday.

It seems I won't have much cricket to watch with the Aussies performing abysmally overnight in England.  The match should be all over overnight tonight.

Around a week ago Trish went to cook a cake or something in the oven at around 7 in the morning.  After pre heating the oven, she opened the door to put the mix in and was almost overcome with smoke.  Smoke billowed out everywhere and a few minutes later the smoke alarms throughout the house sprung into action.

Neighbours even came knocking on the door just to make sure the elderly couple weren't trapped inside.  Doors and windows were opened and fans turned on.

The smoke alarms eventually stopped and some sort of normality returned.  After around 30 minutes the smoke had cleared but there was an ominous black mess bubbling on the bottom shelf of the oven.

Last night both Trish and I got stuck into cleaning it up.  We scraped for 20 minutes or so removing as much of the gunk as we could. Trish then got the "Gumption" cleaner and some water and got stuck into it all over again.  The mess that came off the shelf despite being scraped earlier was incredible.

Right now the oven is about as clean as it has been for some time.  With Trish being away for a couple of nights, I needed the oven to heat up my Pizza Slices didn't I!

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