Sunday, July 05, 2015

This Post Will Cure Your Insomnia!

Things really do just continue to potter along.  Nothing startling has happened, same old same old all over again.  I guess after our recent trip away, anything following that is going to be quite unexciting.

But here we go then!

I bottled on Friday around lunchtime.  With cooler mornings I tend to do the bike ride later in the morning after the sun has warmed things up a little.  Bike riding on a chilly morning helps one to understand the real meaning of 'wind chill factor'!

So if I set of around 10 am for an hour on the bike (usually 12.5k's) which probably includes a couple of stops for a chat, the time is getting on to 11:30 when I am home again and have had a shower!

Therefore the lunchtime Friday for the bottling!

I am getting a heap of enjoyment out of the tablet.  It has opened up a new world for me to play with.

Our pergola in the backyard for all intents and purposes is separate from the back boundary fence except for a couple of 'stays' which are easily removed.  There is a gap between the fence and the pergola which allows a stream of sunshine through at certain times late in the afternoon.  In this part of the world, any sun during the day can be extremely hot to sit under. People sitting under the pergola on a late summer's afternoon are continually repositioning their chairs to avoid the rays of sunshine peaking through the space.

Last summer I bought some plywood which I used to fill the space.  I gave the plywood a decent coat of paint to keep any moisture out and hopefully stop the plywood from warping.  Needless to say this plan didn't work and the timber had begun to warp.  With all the building going on around this area I kept my eye out for any thing not required by the builders and dumped in an on-site skip for removal to the tip to use to fill the space.

I found the perfect fit for my needs, a piece of concrete sheeting which was being used for cladding on one of the homes being built nearby.  This piece of sheeting fitted my needs perfectly and had been tossed into a skip for removal to the tip.

The concrete sheet has now been painted and  is drying in the backyard.  Monday looks a bit busy at this stage with appointments in the morning and a birthday lunch engagement so it may not go into place until Tuesday.

So nothing really exciting to report, just the same old stuff as usual.

OK, so I am impatient!  It took just a few minutes to screw into place.  Another few minutes to 'touch up' some spots scratched and with some paint missing and all is now in place.  I am extremely happy with the way it has turned out.  And I took the photo with the new tablet!

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