Sunday, July 12, 2015

16 But Feels Like 11

That is what is says on my phone this morning, the morning temperature is 16° but it feels like 11°.  The sky is crystal clear blue but the wind is quite strong and blowing from the south.  It feels like the wind is coming directly off Antarctica!

I tried to capture the wind with this photo but trying to get a perfect photo is hit and miss.  And after all, the photo is just for the blog!

So the bike remains in hibernation for the day and I get to cruise the internet.

Watching live sport on TV over the last day or so is best described as being disastrous.  My footy team at last admits they are in a stage of rebuilding with some of the experienced players showing their age and many of the inexperienced players showing how inexperienced they are.

Watching last night's game was not a pleasant experience.

And then there was the cricket from England.  Enough said after a dismal batting performance.  Why some of those players are continually selected defies logic.

And to make it worse, the only coverage available is on free to air TV and we have to put up with commentary of Ian Healy and co who say something just for the sake of saying something.  Regretfully, the vast majority of what Healy has to say borders on drivel and the bleeding obvious!

Computer Club was reasonably busy yesterday.  A major problem is the type of internet connection many of the older club members have where they like to use their 'wireless' dongles and connect directly to the mobile phone network for their internet.  This is a very convenient way to connect, but it is the most expensive, it can be patchy and slow and you get little download allocation for your money.

They are paying $5 per GB download, while I with my ADSL connection via my phone line pay 60c per GB.  So for them to update to Windows 10 will be a trial.  Windows 10 is 3+GB just to download so that will use nearly all of a 4GB download allocation!

I have been playing with my tablet and phone (not surprising you say!).  I have installed a couple of apps which allow me to send SMS messages via my PC or my tablet.  The tablet is wifi only so doesn't connect to the mobile phone network.

But with the right apps installed, the tablet can 'talk' to the phone and allows me to send SMS messages from it.  The keyboard on the tablet and PC is heaps easier to use than the phone's so it makes replying to any text a breeze.  And it is fun to do as well!

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