Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday's News

At least it has warmed up noticeably!  On Saturday after getting home from Computer Club I tidied up a lot of leaves from around the pool and even gave the pool a clean.  It was possible to get outside and do some stuff without being frozen.

My PC continues to operate OK following the ransomware attack I fell for last week.  I am doing a presentation at Computer Club this coming Saturday on the need for people to back everything up onto external hard drives.  This saved me from disaster, I just replaced any encrypted files with files I had backed up.

The sport on TV yesterday (Sunday) was mind blowing!  We had Australia's sensational win in the Davis Cup tie and several good footy matches to watch.  All this was followed by live cricket from the UK last night and the golf from St Andrews in Scotland.  We concentrated on the tennis and then the cricket.

We had a sunny day yesterday but later on the clouds rolled in and we got 7mls of rain overnight.  Today is reasonably mild (low 20's) but has turned cloudy again and there could be a spot or two of rain about. I did get a 12 k bike ride in later in the morning after bottling the latest batch of home brew.

The wet roads this morning were enough to deter me from a bike ride.  My tablets need new prescriptions so I have a doctor's visit this afternoon.  I have a flu jab to get.

Then there are a couple of smaller chores to do in town as well.

The old car was an embarrassment to drive as it had a loose fan belt.  As the photo above left shows, the paintwork is well passed its best.  We had the fanbelt fixed last week so that car has become the preferred mode of transport recently.  It certainly runs a heap better than it looks, and it is economical as well.

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