Monday, July 13, 2015

Still An Icy Blast

It was bloody cold on the bike this morning.  I found my 'cycling' gloves, resurrected my 'spray' jacket and headed off at around 8:30 am with the outside temp about 13° but the wind chill factor dropping that somewhat.  The additional clothing was adequate and I finished the 12.5k ride around an hour later.

Though cold, the ride hadn't been too bad with the updated clothing I was wearing.

A few of the people around us have been here as long as we have or even longer.  Especially our neighbour Bill and his family across the road.  We have seen their kids grow from just into High School to now being young adults.  Bill is a keen outdoors man as well with a boat, rifles etc.

He, his wife and some other family members have just returned from a week 'up north' fishing.  Yesterday he knocked on the door and offered us a very large mud crab, one of many he had caught on the trip.  We gleefully accepted the gift and set about having it as a major part of last night's evening meal.

Google was our friend for all the preparations.  I cleaned the crab in the laundry and eventually it made its way into a large pot of boiling salty water. Sorry about the photo quality which I took through the steam with the tablet.  But I think you will get the idea of what it was like.

After cooking it Trish broke it up and I cracked the shell with a hammer.  Then it was into it, fingers and all.

I only require one word to describe how the meal went, it was "fantastic'!

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