Monday, August 03, 2015

I Felt The Earth Move!

I had finished eating some reheated spaghetti after a fairly busy morning at Computer Club on Saturday.  I had filled my glass with icy cold home brew and had sat down to watch the footy which was due to start at 1:40 pm.

The game had just started and a couple of minutes in it felt like someone was shaking my chair.  The TV began to wobble on its table and it all went on for few seconds.  SE Queensland had been hit with a 5.7 earthquake.

It was scary.

It appears our concrete slab on which the house has been built has cracked after some lengthy period of dry weather several years ago.  This has caused three bricks to be broken as another crack in the outside wall of the house follows the cement between the bricks for around 2'.  This crack is now an inch longer!

I have had it checked and told the problem is cosmetic rather than structural.

My earlier post saying Trish had gone to Lake Cootharaba for the weekend wasn't correct.  She and 35 other ladies from Stitchers had gone on a 'retreat'.  They had a ball.  All food and accommodation was supplied and all around 20k's away.

She slept well last night.

It is a beautiful day today with a top temperature around 26°.  Needless to say there is a northerly blowing.  Tomorrow we revert to the usual winter southerly and the temp will drop back to around 21°.

The pool is a chilly 17 or so.  In mid winter the pool gets down to 12°.

My footy team won OK but Trish's team didn't fare so well.  That match was a tight game with all players under great pressure every time they got the ball. This led to some uncustomary mistakes with kicking and caused turnovers throughout the game.  It was a top tight game of footy!

I have a Management Committee Meeting tonight to chair so I won't be able to sit back and relax till after 8:30pm.

My bike is making a bit of a clicking noise coming from the hub between the two pedals.  I have oiled it which has improved it.  The part may have dried out a bit from lack of use while we were overseas for two months.  I gave it another good oil this morning but it isn't easy to get the oil to exactly where you want it.

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