Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Trim, Trim, Trim

Try not to let the photo fool you.  Yep, it looks ideal and with temps in the low 20's it isn't too bad.  What the photo doesn't show is how cool the breeze is.  It may be 21° but it feels somewhat cooler if you are in the breeze.

The lawn has been mown, the lillypillies across the front of the house have been trimmed and I have had my first haircut since my experience in Thuwal Saudi Arabia.  It must be close to 8 weeks since I fronted up for a haircut in Saudi, so short was it cut.

Even this time I went for a hair cut slightly shorter than the usual.

Kate, Arj and family are winding their summer holiday up in Europe.  Now the have left Italy, been through Switzerland and are back in France.  The other day they did Disneyland there.  It is also the place where they hand the car back and get a full refund before heading back to KAUST and the new school year.

The guy a couple of doors up here in our street does tree removals and we help each other out from time to time.  I help him with computer stuff and he does things for me at 'mates' rates.  He has the equipment to do it all as well with pole saws, hedge trimmers and petrol blowers.

And he has a tipper truck to put all the stuff  on so in one foul swoop the trees were trimmed, the rubbish tidied and stowed on the back of his truck and carted away.

I have been able to bike ride most days, computer club was reasonably busy and we have been watching plenty of sport over the weekend.  The cricket from the UK returns this evening as well.

Trish's Quilt Show in which she was heavily involved with went very well over the weekend and she slept like a top on Sunday night when it was all over.

Our fresh meat supply was running a bit low so we made a trip down the highway to Costco on Tuesday.  The meat there is pretty good though you wouldn't call it bargain priced.  It is a good chance to resupply with coffee, sauces, mixes and other groceries.  There is food to buy there as well for a snack for lunch if you want.  The quality is reasonable at best but is extremely inexpensive.

I had a brew which wasn't quite right recently.  If I mix a little lemonade with it it is passable.  This morning I was busy tipping a bit of it out as I wanted the empty bottles for my next bottling which is due around Friday.  Because it is so economical when you make it yourself, to toss out a dozen or so bottles isn't a real hardship.

Our neighbour Bill across the road is a spirits man.  Bill works hard, drives heavy road making machinery and works terrible hours as most of the roadwork he does is overnight stuff.  I got Bill a couple of bottles of alcohol from my contact Rod at the Computer Club.  Bill made some rum with it and thought this was OK. Later he bought 10 litres of alcohol for $100 from Rod to make some more rum.

It didn't take him long to realize this would eventually prove expensive.  So he has spent around $900 and bought his own equipment and is busy distilling alcohol in his garage.  He sells a 1 litre bottle of his home made rum for $30 to his mates who just love it!  Bill dropped a 1.25l bottle of alcohol over the other day!

So, life just potters along nicely with nothing over exciting happening.  Trish and a few of her friends are away this weekend to a friend's holiday place at a nearby lake.  They will enjoy it.  I will have to sit at home, bottle another brew, and watch the footy and cricket on TV.

They are forecasting into the low to mid 20's for early next week.  It seems our winter might be on the way out for 2015.

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