Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tuesday in KAUST

Trish spent all of Tuesday in front of the TV watching the "Open" from Paris.  It wasn't here first choice of activity but the uneasiness in her stomach remains.

Kate says there is a 5 or 6 day tummy wog doing the rounds and it sounds like Trish has picked up a dose.  We should be just about at the end of our 5 or 6 days by now though.

But I was kept busy doing stuff, turning on the windscreen wipers instead of traffic indicators and scaring myself when I saw a car driving directly at me.  Trouble was I was on the wrong side of the road, not the other driver!  As you can tell I did a bit of driving yesterday.

The kids leave the car at home most days as it is only a 5 minute bike ride to school and it isn't likely you will be caught in a downpour or a late afternoon shower.  I think Kate said it had rained here once in the last 12 months.

They are in the midst of final preparations for their trip to Europe, sending cash off here and there, paying for this or a deposit for that.  Banking here in Saudi Arabia is similar to what banking was in Australia 25 years ago.  Line up or get a number, sit patiently and then wait, and wait and wait!

I received a call from Kate to bring the car to school as they had some urgent last minute banking to do during school hours.  I got to the school safely, relinquished the keys and off we all went to the one and only bank in KAUST.  They had a couple of signed papers to hand in for what should have been a 10 minute transaction. 

They had jumped the queue and were 30 minutes into what should have been a 10 minute transaction.  But there were forms to sign, and then that to do and then this!  After 40 minutes Kate had to get back to school as she was due to go on duty.  They guy behind the bank window said she wasn't required any more and could go.

She drove back to the school and gave me strict instructions on how to get back to the bank to pick up Arj who was still completing the transaction!  I managed to maneuver my way back to the bank without a problem, and arrived just as Arj was emerging from the bank, the task finally completed.  He drove back to school where I again took over the steering wheel and got the car back home.

Later I drove Charli and James to the Recreation Club pool for a couple of hours.  It was just glorious at the pool, restful, coolish (comparatively) and what an incredible view.  There is a photo of the pool on the post below this one.

After tea it was off to James' 1 hour Rugby session.  The facility was first class, big screen, heaps of seating, monstrous carpark etc (and hardly ever used).  As the sky darkened the stadium lights came on illuminating the whole ground.  All for 60 kids mucking around playing Rugby!

As I have said before, no expense has been spared in putting this place together.

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