Friday, May 15, 2015

Argostoli (Wednesday)

The ship anchored off the small Greek Island town of Argostoli on the island of Argostolian at lunchtime Wednesday. The anchorage was well protected from all winds and the temp was around mid 20's.

It had been a more pleasant trip during the morning as the wind had eased. It was actually a great drying of any hand washing day.

And it was our anniversary. These sorts of days become more important as you get older.
Our plan was to get into town, have a look around and find some good internet to check emails, especially any reply from our travel agent on overnight accommodation in Dubai for this Saturday.

We found a good internet cafe spot and our worst concerns were confirmed by email, our Dubai hotel would not be able to take us because we would have to collect our luggage and thus be unable to use the hotel as transit passengers. The travel agent wanted the hotel booking information by email to cancel the booking and find us an alternative.

This information was back on the ship which though close by had to be boarded by 'tender'. Trish raced back to the ship for the hotel booking information. I waited ashore and thought I would drop Kate in Saudi an email to bring her up to date on what was happening.

Trish got back from the ship an hour later with the info only to tell me that as an earlybird special the hotel booking was uncancellable!
An email arrived almost straight back from Kate asking if we were able to take a call from her.  So she rang us, told us there were plenty of hotels just outside the Dubai Airport within 5 mins walk and if we wanted she would book us in to one of them at around $100 for the night. This was our best option so agreed and hopefully we will find the details of our hotel booking in an email on Friday.

Today is a day at sea and no internet or phone service.  We arrive in Venice tomorrow and hopefully I will have data on my phone and be able check emails.  We stay on board overnight Friday and disembark around 10am Saturday. At this stage thunderstorms are forecast for Venice this weekend.

I actually got data on my phone in Argostoli!

We had a quick look around Argostoli and then headed back to the ship for a well earned drink.

Our anniversary dinner in the onboard restaurant was excellent.
What an eventful day!

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