Thursday, May 21, 2015

Health Update (Thursday)

Trish continues to be laid low by her heavy head cold, while I am feeling much better thankyou. It is almost 9am now and she is still in bed trying to sleep but with a husky cough and aching limbs sleep isn't easy to find.

It seems to be similar to the virus which struck so many on the early stages of our cruise.  We heard of couples not emerging from their cabins for 4 or 5 days as they battled the effects.  And when they did emerge, they continued to cough and splutter.

I don't think the situation is helped by the marked change in weather that we are experiencing here in Saudi Arabia either.  To come from an emerging from spring Europe straight into 40ยบ here in Saudi is quite a change for the body to handle, especially after what has been 5 or 6 very intense weeks for us.

The chart above is this week's expected weather about 10k's north of KAUST!

Throughout the week it seems I have been a day in front of Trish on the recovery trail.  So hopefully tomorrow she will be feeling much better.  Tomorrow Friday is the first day of the weekend here in Saudi.

We had always hoped for two quiet weeks at the end of the trip to R/R and just be with Arj, Kate and the family.  So heavy colds for both of us hasn't been disastrous.

KAUST is the jewel in the crown for Saudi Arabia.  It is held in extremely high regard by all Saudis.  No expense in this oil rich country has been spared on the University and its facilities.  Everything is ultra modern. The internet access here is unbelievable, it is so fast.

When you experience such outstanding internet access, you do wonder about the lack of forward vision in Australia when the decision was made not to proceed with the full National Broadband Network. No, everyone may not require such excellent access right now, but planning and building infrastructure should be to address the needs of the future, not just for the duration of a Parliamentary term.

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