Sunday, May 03, 2015

Kotor Visit (Saturday)

Imagine a fjord near Greece in the Mediterranean!  If you can then you have imagined Kotor, a part of Montenegro, just to the north of Greece.

It is a picturesque part of the world despite the grey day we had.

Kotor was a tender port.  A convoy of 6 'lifeboats' ferried passengers back and forth between the ship and the shore. You can see the ships' tenders ferrying passengers in the top photo. This all went on despite the steady fall of rain!

We decided to bite the bullet and despite the consistent rain make our way to shore with umbrellas in hand. 

After arriving on land the rain eased to the odd spot leaving us to wander this old walled city.
It was amazing strolling around many of the narrow streets peering into mini shops and tall narrow homes. As you look upwards, above you are tall rocky mountains.

Trish took numerous photos on her camera or her tablet.  Photos on the tablet are easy to post to Facebook. 

Then we found a restaurant with great free WiFi at which we bought a  hot chocolate and a coke. There were no problems uploading photos or blogs or downloading emails and apps.

Click on the photos for a larger view.

Upon returning to the ship I put the TV on and we had Hawthorn and North Melbourne live.

It is early afternoon and the ship is now sliding through calm seas with large mountains either side of us, just as if we were in a Norwegian fjord. It is spectacular. 

The slide show below will focus on our trip out of Kotor, a truly splendid and spectacular experience.  If you click on the two overlapping boxes icon on the slide show (top R/H corner) you will get a full screen view of the photos, hit your escape key to return to the normal view.

This time tomorrow we will be in Venice.


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