Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I heard on my internet radio this morning while listening to a Melbourne radio station that Victoria would be enjoying its 10th consecutive day with a max temperature of 20 or more for the first time since 1972!  It is rather interesting when listening to that when we now live in SE Queensland and continue to enjoy daily max temps of around 23 or 24.

The new 2TB drive has been loaded up with movies and backup files.  It took a couple of days to get it all sorted but everything now is in place.  I have a program on my PC (Vice Vers Pro) which I run to backup stuff all over the place.  With one drive now being pensioned off some reprogramming of the Backup Program was required.  All now seems to be working fine.

Footy wasn't good for my team again over the weekend.  Geelong seem to bring out the best in the opposition.  Fremantle had been playing 'ordinary' footy for 2014 but then turned it on against my team over the weekend.  It wasn't good!

Saturday's Computer Club was fun as usual and again not so hectic as it can be. We continue to keep an eye on our son-in-law's blog which keeps us up to date with their move to Saudi Arabia.  They now have an August 2nd departure date.  With this news Trish was straight down to the Travel Agent and returned with arm fulls of cruise and other travel brochures!

I hurt my back yesterday, just the normal wear and tear and managed an appointment with the Chiro yesterday afternoon.  She put it all back but I still need to be careful.  I did tweak it again this morning but it seems better at the moment.

Before my back problem I did manage a bottle wash yesterday.  They are almost all dry now.  The few still to dry are drying on the clothes' line!

There were a few drops of moisture still in them but 20 minutes on the line like this in the sunshine dries them out.

Community Association stuff has kept me busy over the last day or so as well.

Trish reckons her Stitchers Group would benefit from having its own laptop.  She bought one at under $600 with an i5 processor Saturday morning.  It was a good deal. That kept me busy for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon.

However someone on a forum I visit recommended MSY as a great store from which to purchase laptops.  I did see one there with an i5 for $582 (or thereabouts) but with a $83 Cash Back deal from the manufacturer ACER.  This brought the purchase price back to $499.  That was a great buy.

If we were in Melbourne there are MSY stores close by but not here in Queensland.  We would need to drive 60k's to Brisbane's northern suburbs to get something.  But under $500 for an i5 is a great deal!

Some time ago (over Christmas) I downloaded a 2 x movie length episodes telling the story of the Great Train Robbery.  Part 1 told of how the robbers planned and executed the robbery while part 2 focuses on the police and how they rounded them all up.

We watched part 1 last night and can't wait to get to part 2 tonight.  It was gripping stuff.

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