Friday, May 30, 2014


No mention will be made in this blog today to last night's Swans Vs Geelong footy match.  At one stage the knife was in my hand and sitting just above the arteries on my left wrist!  But I resisted temptation.  After all it is just a game!

We have a weather guy here in Queensland named Josh and he is the Channel 10 Weather guy.  Josh loves catastrophic weather events.  "A cyclone is now forming off Fiji and it might head east and it might strengthen to Category 9 and it might cross the coast into Queensland and 4,000 people might die!"

He is just drooling over the possibility of an "El Nino" later in the year which has a 70% chance of happening and may cause devastation to the farmers in the outback!

Last night there was no doom and gloom, just the possibility of a light shower or two but nothing more in his evening weather forecast.  So overnight we have had well over an inch of rain!  It poured down there for a while washing out any thought of a bike ride this morning.  Had Josh have known we were going to get a storm or two he could have predicted flash flooding, sand bag your home, move everything above the floodline, he would have loved it.

It is quite overcast out side and we could get another shower or so later on.

With no bike ride this morning and with Trish safely arrived down in Melbourne for the next 5 nights I was able to get on with my "cooking"!  Well the first task did involve the big stainless steel pot and a fair bit of mixing.

I put a brew on this morning and used the big steel pot to mix the ingredients all together.  The brew is almost bubbling in the garage now and it only went on around 5 hours ago.

Next, the big steel pot was used for my perennial favorite whenever Trish goes away and I stay home, "Curried Sausages".  I have used a couple of sachets of mix, 8 snags, 4 potatoes, a couple of onions and 2 carrots and it is simmering away.  It smells pretty good.

Needless to say it later on it may get a teaspoon or two of Springvale Chilli Oil just to give it a lift

Before serving I will add a couple of handfuls of peas and the casserole will be my main 'fare' for the next few days.

I have discovered that a non-stick pot would have been a better choice for my casserole rather than the stainless steel one.  All has now been transferred to the non-stick variety and with some elbow grease and a scourer the stainless steel container is back nice and shiny in the cupboard.

However the Noodle Shop at Golden Beach which sells a version of Char Koay Teow may get a run as well one night.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!

The hot water service has been replaced.  They electrician arrived to check out the possible blown heating element and found the problem was a little larger.  It seams there was a leaking seal which must have been going for some time.

Many of the interior parts around the heating element were rusty and eventually the flow of moisture built up so there was a major short circuit 'blowing' the unit.  The photo gives a hint of the trouble. It looks reasonably OK in the photo but the rust damage inside was just too much.

Click on the photo for a larger view.

In an attempt to remove one of the rusted bolts so the unit could be repaired the bolt broke off.  And that was prior to him attempting to undo the rusted bolts!

There was nothing more to do than get a replacement.which was delivered around lunchtime on Tuesday.  The plumber fitted the new unit before the electrician came back to wire it all up.

The shower was lovely and warm this morning though!

On Monday I had received a call from the the company from whom I had purchased the laptop online.  He was wanting to confirm the delivery address.  According to the 'tracking' advice I was given the laptop was collected just after lunch on Monday around 20k's south of Brisbane and was delivered to our home by mid morning Tuesday.

I was in my element!  A new Windows 8 laptop to setup.  It is all done now (by lunchtime Wednesday) and ready for Trish to use.  She will keep me informed on any further software she may still need.  The old laptop will stay setup for the time being until we are sure the new one is OK and we don't need any important files from it.

The new laptop did a huge update to its Windows 8 and then late on Tuesday afternoon it did another huge update to Windows 8.1. The move to Windows 8.1 took several hours.  The download was enormous, I would guess well over 3GB.  You wouldn't want to be on 2GB download a month plan and have a laptop upgrade to Windows 8.1!

We continue to get top temps around 25 to 27.  It is just sensational (and above average).

It is the first "State Of Origin" Rugby League game tonight and we are around to friends for drinks and watch the game.  Trish flies to Melbourne for 5 nights tomorrow. I am staying home and have footy on 4 of the 5 nights.  The 5th night is a Community Association Public Meeting.  We are having a Wine Tasting after the meeting hoping to get a few extras along. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

27 Again Today!

The weather continues to be glorious in this part of the world.  We are expecting 27 or so today and then another few days with temperatures around the same.  There is hardly a cloud in the sky and it is a beautiful rich blue color.

As a general rule Trish cooks the evening meal and I wash the dishes.  I did think the dish washing water was a little on the cool side last night and we verified that this morning.

It seems the heating element in the hot water system has called it a day.

I reckon it stopped working some time last week as I have noted the shower hasn't been as boiling hot the last few days. So I wasn't completely surprised when we noticed the hot water wasn't as hot as it should have been. 

I have contacted the Aged Care Program people here at Caloundra and one of their contractors will be in contact with me to effect a repair.

I have to pay for the part and the Care Group pays for the labour.  It is a great deal.  Usually the contractors are semi-retired guys and do easier 'light' work as a part time job and earn a few dollars on the side for themselves. The job has been marked "Urgent" so we expect/hope it to be done today.

It brings back memories of when we lived in Victoria and there was a massive gas plant explosion when gas supplies were cut to all Melbourne homes for days!  We didn't have a shower down there for quite some time during that episode.

At least you could have a shower here this morning and it wasn't icy cold.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I have been 'at' Trish for some time to update her old Dell Laptop.  At almost 4 years old I thought a new laptop update shouldn't be too far away.

Then as I was checking some computer purchase info I stumbled across the original invoices etc for the Dell laptop.  I was amazed to see the invoice date as July 2009, meaning it was almost 5 years old rather than 4!

Some laptops last 2 years, others 3 or 4.  But 5 years virtually trouble free is really pushing your luck.

So we have a new ACER laptop on the way.  I jumped online, went to the MSY website and downloaded their pdf of specials.

What we have just ordered has the latest model 4th generation i5 processor, 2mb graphics card and a 750GB hard disk drive.  It is an "ACER" and currently this model has a $89 "Cashback" offer.  It is supposed to weigh 2Kg which is lightweight.

By the time you add delivery fee, 2% for credit card fees and delete the cashback, we get out of it all up for around $650 which is a pretty good deal.  The RRP is $899.

I noticed the price of the old Dell was $999.

Friday, May 23, 2014

End Of The Week

I managed to get the beer bottling completed this morning so I now have another 60 stubbies (or equivalent thereof) added to the collection!

It has been a busy week for the postman.

I visit several cheap buy online websites each day just to see what is going on.  Ozbargain is a favorite which you can find here:  Anyone can add something to Ozbargain, you spot what you reckon is a good deal and you can put it up on Ozbargain.

Catch Of The Day ( is another one you can spend a few minutes wandering through as well.

The last one I check out is T-Mart (  T-Mart has heaps of cheap junk.  It is somewhere over in China and always has 'free' postage'.  If it costs $5 for a schooner of beer at the RSL, I reckon I can afford to buy some of this cheap stuff online from T-Mart.

My 'new' $8-95 watch arrived today.  No instructions came with it of course and you never have to change the battery.  You see a new battery costs $10 so you might as well buy a new watch!

It didn't take long to work out how to use it and it has a bright easy to read and simple face.

It has a stop watch, an alarm, a date function and a second 'time' section so it could be set for a second time zone.

And all for less than $9!

Yesterday my new 1 metre $1-10 USB phone charge lead arrived.  It is ribbon style and you 'know' its working because pretty red lights go off when there is any activity along the lead.  You never know when you might need one of these! .... Probably never! 

My digital battery tester is due any  time now as well.  You use these to confirm your AA or AAA battery is fully dead before you toss it out.

Another $3-32 well spent!

Delivery takes around 3 weeks before your item arrives.

This adds to the excitement as you never know (or you have forgotten) what is in that padded envelope that just arrived with T-Mart written on the outside!

Click on the pics for a larger view.  No Friday Drinks today so I might wait just a little longer before cracking one.  My team is on the TV in the footy tonight.  I wonder which version of this side is going to turn up, the desperate top flight team or the chasers or finish up chasing the other team all over the park!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Another Glorious Day

It was a little brisk this morning but I still jumped on my bike well before 8 am and headed off for a ride.  Today I rode in towards town and along the Pumicestone Passage.  A couple of other walkers can be spotted on the left as they too enjoyed the morning sunshine.

Click on the photo for a larger view.

There isn't a lot of news around after all I only put something on the blog yesterday.  I did some further fine tuning of my two websites, Media, How To and Movies, How To.

The first one Media, How to is with "Blogger" so it is extremely easy to edit and update.  There are a couple of things which didn't read smoothly so I fixed them both today.  Having not read through the website for a couple of weeks, gave me the chance to read it all again with fresh eyes.

The Movies, How To website (which is virtually the same as Media How To) is done on my computer with a special program I have for creating websites called Expression Web.  After changes are made on your computer you then have to upload the replacement files to the 50 webs website.  Again for this you need a special program designed for uploading this sort of stuff.

The Blogger version is all 'in the cloud'.  You can write something out in "Word" on your PC and when it is finished, copy it (Ctrl-C), open a new page in Blogger online and go "Paste" (Ctrl-V) and copy the whole page into the website.  You can even have pictures in your Word document and these too can be copy/pasted into a new Blogger page.

We watched the 2nd part of The Great Train Robbery last night and found it wasn't as gripping as part 1  but it was a heap better than other stuff around.  We did enjoy it and would have no problems recommending it to others.

Yesterday we went to have a look at a George Foreman Home Oven.  You never really know what a product is like until you actually see it on the shop shelf and have a good look at it.  Our main concern was, was it big enough to cook a decent roast?  After seeing it first hand the verdict was "no it isn't big enough!"

My home brew isn't quite ready to bottle just yet but that may be a task for tomorrow.

Trish is at Stitchers today.  She will arrive home exhausted as usual but she will be more than happy with the morning.

Around 24 is expected again today with some cloud about but not too bad at all.  It is still shorts, thongs and short sleeved shirt weather in this part of the world.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I heard on my internet radio this morning while listening to a Melbourne radio station that Victoria would be enjoying its 10th consecutive day with a max temperature of 20 or more for the first time since 1972!  It is rather interesting when listening to that when we now live in SE Queensland and continue to enjoy daily max temps of around 23 or 24.

The new 2TB drive has been loaded up with movies and backup files.  It took a couple of days to get it all sorted but everything now is in place.  I have a program on my PC (Vice Vers Pro) which I run to backup stuff all over the place.  With one drive now being pensioned off some reprogramming of the Backup Program was required.  All now seems to be working fine.

Footy wasn't good for my team again over the weekend.  Geelong seem to bring out the best in the opposition.  Fremantle had been playing 'ordinary' footy for 2014 but then turned it on against my team over the weekend.  It wasn't good!

Saturday's Computer Club was fun as usual and again not so hectic as it can be. We continue to keep an eye on our son-in-law's blog which keeps us up to date with their move to Saudi Arabia.  They now have an August 2nd departure date.  With this news Trish was straight down to the Travel Agent and returned with arm fulls of cruise and other travel brochures!

I hurt my back yesterday, just the normal wear and tear and managed an appointment with the Chiro yesterday afternoon.  She put it all back but I still need to be careful.  I did tweak it again this morning but it seems better at the moment.

Before my back problem I did manage a bottle wash yesterday.  They are almost all dry now.  The few still to dry are drying on the clothes' line!

There were a few drops of moisture still in them but 20 minutes on the line like this in the sunshine dries them out.

Community Association stuff has kept me busy over the last day or so as well.

Trish reckons her Stitchers Group would benefit from having its own laptop.  She bought one at under $600 with an i5 processor Saturday morning.  It was a good deal. That kept me busy for a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon.

However someone on a forum I visit recommended MSY as a great store from which to purchase laptops.  I did see one there with an i5 for $582 (or thereabouts) but with a $83 Cash Back deal from the manufacturer ACER.  This brought the purchase price back to $499.  That was a great buy.

If we were in Melbourne there are MSY stores close by but not here in Queensland.  We would need to drive 60k's to Brisbane's northern suburbs to get something.  But under $500 for an i5 is a great deal!

Some time ago (over Christmas) I downloaded a 2 x movie length episodes telling the story of the Great Train Robbery.  Part 1 told of how the robbers planned and executed the robbery while part 2 focuses on the police and how they rounded them all up.

We watched part 1 last night and can't wait to get to part 2 tonight.  It was gripping stuff.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The "Want" Has Arrived (Along With The Rain!)

It is looking quite gray and bleak outside.  What was a sunny morning has swapped to a gray and wet afternoon.

The 2TB Portable Hard Drive I ordered arrived around lunch time today, just before the rain started.  After making the online order on Wednesday afternoon, I received an email with "Tracking" and Invoice information in it.

When I checked the 'tracking' this morning I saw the package had arrived in Maroochydore and I could expect delivery before "Close of Business" today.

I can't complain about the service at all.

As the photo shows I am busily swapping files across to it now.  This will take most of today I guess. The thinner 1TB drive will then be be attached to my modem/router which will be a source for files anyone can access from anywhere on my 'home wireless local network'.

The chunky drive will become my portable drive and a backup source for almost everything.  I can take it with me whenever I head out to do some computer and movie stuff for people.

I popped around to help an older lady with her "internet" on Wednesday.  Her modem router kept coming and going with its connection.  I guessed the fault was most likely a flaky modem/router but it could have been the phone line in.  She did say the phone was working fine which made a problem with the phone line less of a possibility.

Obviously the problems returned later as she then called "Telstra".  Within a few hours a team had visited her home to check the phone line wiring and discovered water had got in everywhere causing her internet connection to short out and disconnect from time to time.  I am guessing all has now been fixed.

She was delighted with the service and is now a happy customer.

Trish is considering a laptop for her Stitchers' group.  JB Hi-Fi have some specials and one looked a good deal, especially for Trish's needs.  I was checking one of my websites out today and one person commented the JB Hi-Fi deals weren't that good and you could get cheaper elsewhere.  I decided to ask him where he could recommend and he came back with a store called MSY.

And he is right.  I saw an Acer laptop, latest i5 processor and all the bits and pieces you need for $499!  This does include a $79 Cash Back from Acer if you purchase before May 30.  So cash price is $589 and then you apply to Acer and get a $79 "Cash Back".

Not a bad deal at all.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Needs And Wants

Needs and Wants are two entirely separate things.  A "Need" is something which is required for your life style to continue, a "Want" is something quite different.

A "Want" is a great idea, something which could possibly be handy to have in the future but right now would make little or no difference to your lifestyle.

As my good wife Trish says, I have plenty of add on hard disk drives.  Right now I have both a 3TB and a 2TB powered Hard Drives attached to my PC.  On the 3TB drive I have my entire movie collection, on the 2TB I have all the programs I  have ever downloaded (almost) along with a backup one of the larger folders of movies which I have on the 3TB drive.

I also have 2 x 1TB portable drives.  One which I take with me everywhere with the most important Movies and TV Shows along with Backups of my major files on my PC.  I also have some 'portable' apps which allow me to use any computer as if it were my own with my own email and internet browser programs installed along with all my favorites etc.

I have backups of backups!  On the 2nd portable drive I have secondary backups of all my programs and some more movies.  Being portable drives I can cart the two drives around very easily which is handy when I visit Melbourne or other people's homes.

I also have another old 320GB drive attached to the modem/router with more backups of both Trish and my "important" backup files from her laptop and from my PC. 

So I don't 'need' another portable drive.  But when Dick Smith had a 'specials day' yesterday I relented to a 'want' and grabbed a 2TB portable drive at $124 delivered.  As you can see from the photo, the RRP of this drive is $159 so the price I bought it at was a bargain.

The older 2nd 1TB drive works on 'most' computers.  There are times when it is attached to someone else's computer and that computer doesn't 'see' it. It seems to be OK here at home but a time will come ....

That is my story and I am sticking to it.

We enjoyed 24mls of rain overnight.  Things were dry enough to ride this morning though. Right now there is plenty of sunshine around and it is a lovely day.  But some more showers may blow in off the ocean later today and give us a good sprinkle.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Computers, Computers, Computers!

Computers have been taking much of my time today (Weds).  But it all started last evening around 4pm when Trish got a call from a friend who was having internet problems.  She couldn't connect to her Bigpond through her modem/router.

I popped around to see if I could help.  There was no wireless available and the indicator light wasn't on the modem/router.  And even connecting her new laptop to the modem router via a lead didn't work.  The internet light seemd to connect then it would repeatedly disconnect.

We tried connecting to another phone point in another room and this time the wireless light came on and the internet seemed to connect reasonably.  We returned everything to the previous phone point, plugged it in and powered up the modem!  Wireless came on, internet connected fine and everything was working perfectly!  I have no idea why it all worked this time!

I think the modem router is a bit flaky and will possible fail soon.  But she was happy to have her emails back and do some web surfing.

This morning I looked at three other computers, mainly just putting new movie files across.  The neighbour across the road could receive emails OK but couldn't send.  I added his phone's GMail account to his email program's accounts and he was at least able to send messages via that.

Some research in Google suggested restarting the modem/router might solve the problem so we gave it a try!  Bingo, we could again send but also now receive all his emails. He was pleased.

As you know I like to buy gadgets from China.  A few weeks ago I ordered a blue wireless mouse from China for $5-36 delivered!  See photo left.

Later I received an email saying that the blue mouse wasn't in stock but would be sent when available.  A few days later another mouse came up for sale.  So I ordered one of those.

And as you have probably guessed, both arrived in the mail today!  I sold one to a friend who hadn't got around to buying a wireless mouse yet for his new laptop.  He was battling a bit with the laptop's mouse pad.  But for $5-40 he now has a mouse.  His first comment was, "That's easier isn't it!"

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary so we had a lovely lunch back at our favorite "Headland Golf Club".  Big black clouds blew in and we had quite a bit of rain.  We had towels on the line at home along with my bike riding gear all drying.

The meal was very pleasant and we were delighted to find Caloundra had totally missed the showers and everything was dry!

Last night we watched a 3 part series from ITV in the UK called "Prey".  It was great, non-stop action and plenty of interesting twists which would keep you guessing as to who had done it. 

After that we watched another episode (90mins) of the UK BBC crime drama called Vera!   In this series of Vera there are 4 movie length episodes and that was episode 3.  We have one more to go and it should come through next week.  I should get it around Monday morning just before my bike ride.  Overnight showers put paid to any idea of a bike ride this morning I am afraid.

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Sensational Monday

The forecast is for "Showers Developing" but that sure isn't the case just on lunch time with a few fluffy clouds about in a beautiful blue sky.

Being a "Bye round" with the footy means there are fewer games on TV but that didn't seem to cramp anyone's style over the weekend.

Computer Club was as busy as ever but not too bad.  I get asked advice on what equipment people should have for their small home business.  I baulk at these questions because I would hate to advise something, have it not work and then have someone's business and income suffer.

I was getting a few of this sort of question on Saturday and I hastily withdrew from the conversation.

Sunday was Mother's Day and we joined friends Kerrie and Ian and went to the Beach House Restaurant on the Boardwalk at the Maroochydore Plaza Shopping Centre. I pinched the photo from their website.

Kerrrie loves to 'suss' out two for the price of one vouchers and this deal was the result of her checking things out.  At "Pay for one and get the second meal free" this worked out fairly accurate.

Trish's $28 Beef and Reef along with my $17 Burger seemed a reasonable deal at $28 all up!  I would not have wanted to pay full price for what we got!

But it was a pleasant time out and for around $50 to get a couple of drinks and a reasonable meal was OK.

I managed my bike ride this morning without any hassles and I am now waiting to download my weekend TV shows which have just shown late on Sunday in the USA.  They should start coming through fairly soon.

We have a Community Association Meeting tonight so I need to prepare for that as well.

Friday, May 09, 2014


I am quite pleased it is Friday.  Our frosty mornings have declined and we are back to the low teens overnight minimums.  The doona has disappeared and the quilt has returned.  The weather is a lot better for bike riding but there has been a change in procedure.

Nowadays a chore will get done prior to heading off for the bike ride.  So this morning I bottled the latest brew.  After tidying everything up from the bottling I then headed off for a ride.

Trish loved her night out with friends from Stitchers.  Two car loads (8 altogether) headed in to Brisbane last night (Thurs).  As usual they got lost but because the left very early they were still well in time before the curtain opened.

I enjoyed a Footy Teams Show on TV before watching a movie I knew Trish wasn't interested in.  As a matter of fact I was hardly interested in it either.

As you can see from the photo it is quite a nice day with a top temp around 23 degrees or so.  There is a bit of a breeze but in our enclosed small backyard it is a little warmer.

Don't let the look of the pool fool you.  It certainly isn't warm enough in there for a swim.

No drinks today as one couple of the team is away.  Trish is a Quilters this morning and I have just returned from the local Tavern where we were after a deal for some wine for an upcoming "Wine And Cheese Tasting" at the conclusion of our June Community Association Public Meeting.

We have struggled for numbers at previous mid year public meetings so we are trying a "Wine & Cheese Tasting" to see if we can get a few more along.

How are you enjoying the new blog look?  I am getting to like it a lot.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

It's All Changed!

All good things must come to an end! And so it is with my blog page.  Eventually things much catch up with the latest and that is what has happened here!

I have been doing heaps of work on updating my website on how I download my movies and TV Shows. As I have learnt more I now get my stuff totally differently.  Instead of repeatedly telling people what I do it is just as easy (and a heap of fun) to create a website, especially when you can do it for no charge.

So the whole Movies How To has been rejigged and updated.  Click HERE.

When I originally did the website many many years ago it didn't cost me anything.  The web address was free and even putting all the stuff online was free as well.  Nowadays it isn't free, you have to at least pay for the web address name.  

By including 50webs in the address the 50webs company got free advertising.

Anyway you can't do that nowadays and not be charged something.

So I was hunting around for a free alternative way of getting Movies How To online with another 'free' site. Eventually I found that Blogger has been updated quite a bit and that you can now add various things like adjust the column width, add pages and a whole lot of other neat stuff as well.

So I now have a 'copy' of the "Media How To" website on Blogger.  The address of the new 'Blogger' version is

It is so easy to widen columns, remove bits of the blogger format you don't want, have various color backgrounds and make changes.

So I thought I would try this "News From The Sunshine Coast" blog out in the new format as well  

I got into the rejigging bit of Blogger and discovered the 'old format' was unable to do much of the new good stuff.  So I thought I would try a new 'template' and see how it went.  It looked OK but I thought better and went to revert it 'back' to the original template.

Well of course it wouldn't revert back to the 'old' format would it! 

So we now have a new template.  The new template/look allows me to use the space on the web page better but there are a few other hassles I will still need to work out.  Mainly 'print size' appears the biggest drama but there will be a setting somewhere I am sure.

We enjoyed drinks Wednesday afternoon this week as one couple can't make Friday and Trish and Kerrie are off to a show in Brisbane tonight (Thurs).

We will pop out somewhere for lunch today as well.  That will make having an evening meal easier for both Trish and myself.

I continue to bike ride most mornings but swimming is now over for this season.  Several well below 10 degree mornings have put a stop to that!  A bit of drizzle this morning left the roads and pathways too wet so that gave me time to get this post done!

I hope you like the new format! Oh and by the way, I found the print size setting and sorted it out!

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Winter Blows In!

There isn't a cloud in the sky but the temp right now is around 18. It is pretty windy outside and the wind chill factor drops the apparent temperature even further.

The photo shows this morning it was around 8 degrees which is quite a shock after high teens the previous few days!  Earlier it was a degree or so cooler!

I set out for a bike ride around 9 am but I was back home again 15 minutes later.  It was just too uncomfortable out there, windy and feeling very cold.

Footy is on again on the telly today.  Despite it looking great outside, the reality is that it isn't!

Friday, May 02, 2014

Weather Change

This was me yesterday.  After a 12.5k bike ride I was a bit hot and sweaty.  Into the pool (around 20.5º) I jumped clothes and all.  I slipped out of the T-Shirt and trunks, gave them a good wring then a couple of laps up and back and then out.

I put my stuff on the line, dried myself in the sunshine and then slipped into my everyday clothes.

But not today!  Right now it is Melbourne drizzling outside and we are to be prepared for storms and a cold outbreak later today.  Sunday should be great and sunny but we have a low of 7 and a top of 22 forecast.

The south westerlies are due to blow in probably early tomorrow and we have a cloudy top of 20 degrees  It will be the first of our winter winds which bring cold but clear air from the centre of Australia.  I am not too keen on Sunday's 7 degrees bit but by 9 a.m. it should be around 18 or so a glorious in the sunshine.

There isn't a lot of other news right now.  Life continues to meander along.

I did buy myself a new watch 'online' yesterday.  A whole $8-95 worth with free delivery.  At around $9 you can't go wrong.

I even have a "Bali" watch somewhere which stills goes OK.  It makes you wonder why spend 100 of dollars on one?

A brew went on this morning so by later next week I will have a bottling to get done.