Tuesday, April 15, 2014

On The Air Again

Just before we went to Melbourne I had a a hearing test all to do with my hearing aids.  As a pensioner I get great support for hearing aids from the Federal Government regarding both hearing aid purchase and maintenance.  I get a 'voucher' from the government which entitles me to an annual 'evaluation' and any follow up hearing aid maintenance.

During the recent hearing test it was discovered that a button on my newer hearing aid wasn't working so it had to go 'in' for repair.  I dropped it off to be sent away for repair last Monday and then got it back today (Tues).  Boy what a difference it makes when I have both of them up and running.

My 'older' one, which I paid for myself out of my own pocket, is well over 6 years old and is now eligible for replacement.  It has become quite rusty from time to time in the battery compartment.  I perspire profusely and perspiration drips from my hair into the hearing aid.  Often this turns the hearing aid off.  I have a small 'heated hearing aid storage box' into which I store the aids and dry them off thoroughly.

An alcohol wipe and a cotton bud do a great job in removing any build up of rust.

I was advised today that as the older aid becomes rusty again and again, the more likely it is to fail. I was also told that if it were to fail one more time I would most likely need to replace it.  Most of any replacement cost is covered by a government subsidy and our new Health Cover Insurance would cover another $900 on top of that.

But the difference having both aids working well makes to my hearing is nothing short of amazing.

And we have new neighbours.  The house on the left as you face our place has been sold to owner occupiers.  After being a rental for some time it is nice to have two young professionals move in.  He is studying at SC University for teaching qualifications while she is a teacher at a hinterland primary school.

And he works part time at Dick Smith in Caloundra!

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