Thursday, April 03, 2014

Drouin, Then the Hoa Tran Springvale.

Early Saturday afternoon all four us packed into the car to drive around 90k's to Drouin.  We were spending the night with Russell and Irene then after lunch Sunday onto Barry and Rainy's before heading back to Melbourne via Springvale for tea!

It was a lot of fun with too much to eat and drink at Russell and Irene's.  Other friends Keith and June joined us as well.  The eight of us got on well together and ate and drank too much ... again.  The wine, beer, spirits and liqueurs was flowing.

Sunday morning was reasonably quiet as we enjoyed the view (photo left) from Russell's backyard.  They have a several acres and a large garden.

The weather had been great the whole time in Melbourne and Sunday morning was no exception.

It was great of Russ and Irene to put us all up Saturday night.  Breakfast Sunday morning was predominantly toast and several cups of coffee!

Then we had a quick trip to a local winery "Brandy Creek".  Yet another gorgeous small place with a fantastic view and great coffee.  We were all still in recovery mode I think.

Brandy Creek Winery is a place where you can have functions, weddings and parties.  It would be very pleasant.

Click on all photos for a larger view.

Yet more to eat and drink with good friends Barry and Rainy around 1pm.  It was great to catch up with them as well.  By this stage the eating and drinking was beginning to 'tell' and we all had slowed down noticeably.

Late afternoon we bundled back into the car to head to Springvale and our favorite restaurant the Hoa Tran for a meal. The weather remained quite warm the whole time.  We only had a taste of our usual Springvale fare but we wanted to give Ian and Kerrie a taste of what to expect in Springvale.

Exhausted we arrived back in St Kilda around 8pm Sunday night.  Ian and Kerrie insisted on heading back to their hotel by tram.  It didn't take a mass of talking to convince Trish as she had been doing all the driving.

We all slept well.

Read about the first few days of our Melbourne trip with Kerrie and Ian in the post below.

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