Thursday, April 10, 2014

As Small As A Drawing Pin!

The brew I put on recently has almost stopped bubbling.  Usually I would have bottled yesterday (Weds) but the way this brew was going recently I am waiting until ALL activity has ceased!

I noticed the front tyre on my bike was a little flat on Wednesday.  I pumped it up and the ride went that morning went OK.  Yesterday afternoon it needed pumping up again and I knew there was a leak somewhere.  I wasn't going to risk a bike ride with a possible puncture this morning!

It was really flat this morning so I took it all apart and found the puncture in the bike tube.  I checked the relevant area out on the tyre and discovered a drawing pin was the culprit.

Following the repair today's 12.5 k bike ride was fine.  The quick swim in the pool after the ride was best described as "brisk".  The arrival of autumn, cooler nights and not so intensely hot days has seen the pool water temp cool off a little.  It was around 22.5 this morning. It gets to around 25 during the day.

A friend bought himself a new laptop on Tuesday so yesterday (Weds) I was invited around to set it up for him.  That took care of the whole afternoon for me.

Today I have been reorganizing my movie backups.  To be safe I keep two copies of everything.  As my collection grows, some of the smaller drives I have get too full.  However when I go somewhere it is good to have the best and all the most recent stuff handy on portable hard drives which are easy to carry.

I found myself caught once or twice when in Melbourne recently without movies I had accumulated in 2013.  There were backed up at home on a powered hard drive.  When the copying etc has finished later today I should have all the latest and most relevant stuff backed up onto two portable drives ready to take away next time.

I hope you enjoyed the two posts below.  I liked the professional development one the better of the two.

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