Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Garage Smells Like A Brewery

I have been doing a brew so the smell of beer wasn't totally unexpected as I entered the garage Monday morning.  But the odour did hang around throughout the day which set me to wondering.  Later when Trish was out in the car and I again entered the garage/brewery and this time I noted an ominous wet patch around the pile of beer I have stored in polystyrene boxes.

The second bottom polystyrene box was where I discovered the source of the smell, a bottle (see left) with a section of the base almost blown right out.  Click on the photo for a larger view!

Beside it was another bottle, as taut as you would expect but with less than 5mls of beer in the bottom.  There were no holes or splits in the bottle though the lid was slightly askew!  There just wasn't any beer in it! The contents had 'disappeared'!

I cleaned it all up to the best of my ability but it remains a little off odour if you know what I mean!

I was due to bottle today but thought I might just let it go a little longer.  It is during the brewing process that lots of gas is given off.  When it has completed the brewing process, little further gas is created.  I am guessing the bottles that exploded were from brews I let sit for 5 days when perhaps one extra day would have been better for them.

The other week a neighbour asked I go over and have a look at his PC.  He was getting heaps of pop ups whenever online, his home page had been saved to something ridiculous and his PC was running very slowly.  I uninstalled three or four tool bars which had installed them selves onto his version of IE, I found several other adware programs in his "Programs And Features" in his Control Panel which I uninstalled.  We managed to get his home page back and he was happy.

I ran msconfig which allows you to get rid of stuff from the PC Startup process.  These extra but not required programs can slow the computer down as well.  I stopped around 7 or 8 things which were starting up each time on Bill's PC, things he didn't need!  If required these programs start up fine, they just take an extra 5 seconds or so to begin. But by getting rid of them from the Startup can make getting the PC up and running a lot quicker.

As a final ploy I installed Malwarebytes and ran a scan of his PC.  I get worried if I have 3 or 4 'Objects detected' after a Malwarebytes Scan, Bill had 176!  We deleted them all.  Later Bill was telling another neighbour Darren what a great job I had done with his PC.

Needless to say I am doing Darren's laptop right now.  His laptop is in much better 'nick' than Bill's PC was.  Malwarebytes has only been running for around an hour and there are only 6 "objects detected' so far.

We are off to the RSL tonight to spend our 'birthday' vouchers.  Each RSL member gets a $15 meal voucher, a free pot of beer, $5 of coins for the pokies and a few free spins on Keno.  Two of us have February birthdays.  My problem is I have an appointment with the E.N.T. (ear guy) surgeon tomorrow for an 'ear toilet'.  That's a nice way to say my operated on ear 'cleaned'.  It is unpleasant enough so to be hung over as well would make it an extremely unpleasant experience.

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