Friday, April 12, 2013

The Sun Is back

Thursday was spent catching up with friends in the early afternoon.  They are in the midst of looking to sell and find a place in a retirement complex.  As with many of us in this climate, everything is dependent on selling their own place for the 'right' amount to make the whole exercise financially viable.

As they had to head out mid afternoon we had a little time to 'kill' so Trish had a quick look through "Spotlight" which is one of her favorite shops.

We headed out for tea at a different restaurant than 'the usual' in Springvale.  In hindsight this wasn't a good idea.  Though parking was easy and the place was quiet and cheap, the quality and selection of the food wasn't as good as we hoped.

We arrived in Springvale around 5pm and spent some time looking around the markets, the shops and the streets.  It is a new world there, like taking a step from Melbourne into any Asian town.  I just love it there.

The hustle and bustle of people shopping, the incredible range of cuts of meat at the butcher's, the hustle around the Tattslotto shops (Chinese/Vietnamese don't mind a flutter), the various food places and small restaurants, Springvale is an amazing place.

The seafood shops are just incredible to see.  Every kind of fish and seafood is available to buy.  These look pretty good too!  Generally the prices are excellent.  Checking out Springvale really is a highlight for us when we travel to Melbourne.

During our meal we caught up with Eddie and Patsy as usual.  Eddie was a Principal I worked with back during my classroom teaching days.

We have remained in contact and have become good friends.

We have lunch out today at the home of Carol and David. Later we have baby sitting tonight while Kate and Arj head out for their wedding anniversary.

My crook back flared again a few days ago.  Fortunately I brought Mobic with me which are anti inflammatory tablets.  They have brought things back under control again but it still hurts and I need to be careful.

The sun is back out today and we are hoping for a very pleasant 25 degrees.

Tomorrow is the wedding!

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