Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Down South

Today has been spent fairly quietly catching up with Kate, Arj and the grand kids.  It has been lots of fun.  Both of them are teachers so they are enjoying school holidays at the moment.

Kate and Trish headed to the shops to purchase last minute odds and ends for us to wear to the wedding on Saturday.  The seldom used white shirt I keep here has begun to go yellow around the collar and the tie I have here doesn't go with my new trousers.  And that is just for me!

We arrived in Melbourne around half an hour later than timetabled on Tuesday afternoon.  So instead of being caught in the pre homeward rush of workers, we were caught in the middle of it all.  We left the Sunshine Coast in showery weather only to arrive in Melbourne to bright and warm sunshine.  However last night's minimum of 12 degrees was a bit of a shock.

For tea we went to our all time favorite restaurant Malaysia Garden with Kate Arj and family and our youngest daughter Kim joined us as well. We just loved it there, enjoying some of the food we love and being with the girls.  There were 5 adults and 3 kids.  The bill totaled $90.  Sorry about the quality of the photo!

Today Wednesday was lovely, sunny and warm.  But being Melbourne tomorrow will be showery and much cooler.  We expect around 25 for the wedding on Saturday but a cooler showery Sunday to follow.

Arj was having a problem activating "Office 2010" on his PC.  It took a bit of messing about but we got there in the end.

We are heading off to Springvale for tea tomorrow night, we have a lunch to get to on Friday, baby sitting Friday night and then we have the wedding on Saturday.

Sunday will be spent recovering and catching up with friends in the city.  At this stage it looks like Sunday could be a little wet.  There is a big footy match live on TV Sunday afternoon which we will probably make an effort to see.

Monday we head across to spend time with Chris and his family and we fly home on Tuesday morning.

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