Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Divide by 8!

What was tipped at around 4" of rain due to fall Sunday evening finished up being closer to half an inch!  But that amount was enough to top the pool right up and give the lawn and garden a good water. We got around half an inch or 12 mls altogether.

Monday proved to be fairly quiet with watching the footy in the afternoon the main feature.  It is now 10 times in a row my team has defeated Trish's team in a dramatic tight struggle.

We have finished watching Rome Series 2 and on Monday night we enjoyed the second in the new series of Foyle's War.

Friends Kerrie and Ian are heading overseas later this week for 10 days.  To us it seems a lot of money and time flying to be away for 10 nights.  They are heading to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur with around 5 nights in each destination.

So today (Tuesday) we had lunch down on the Caloundra foreshore.

To say it was pleasant is an understatement! We bought 'take-away' noodles and sat back and enjoyed each other's company, a few drinks and the view.

I had a form of Char Koay Teow while the others had what we would call Mee Goreng and prawns.  It was all very tasty and enjoyable.  I took some of my Springvale Chilli with me as well just to give it a 'lift'. Click on the photos for a larger view.

It looks pretty impressive doesn't it?

And the second photo is where we sat, under some shade with a BBQ right beside. This may even be a great model for a new shade feature we are considering for the backyard.

It was all great fun.

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