Thursday, April 18, 2013

Home Safely But A Little Battered!

I was back on my bike for the first time for almost a fortnight this morning.  Autumn has kicked in so the temps are little kinder for early morning rides.

They have had over 8" of rain here and there are a couple of spots where water still covers pathways.  It was still just warm enough for me to have a very brisk swim this morning.

Monday morning in Melbourne was spent quietly getting ready and ensuring all was packed.  With school starting back we had the house to ourselves.  We watched Adam Scott win the Masters on TV.

Trish had a fall at the wedding reception and we now believe that was most likely the cause of her sore left knee.

We drove over to Chris and Wendy's home and arrived there soon after 4pm.  It was good catching up with them all and Wendy always prepares a great meal as well.

Trish and Chris both love cards so they finished up playing cards until after 10pm.  Chris got us to Tullamarine Tuesday morning by 7:30 so we had plenty of time before our plane's scheduled departure time.  The plane wasn't full so we had a spare seat beside us.  Brian picked us up at Maroochydore and we were home by 1:30.  The Melbourne gear came off and the shorts and singlet gear went on!  It was 28 degrees and after 8"of rain it was very steamy!

We both headed off to the Chiro Tuesday afternoon.  It now seems certain Trish's sore back and painful knee are both from the fall at the Wedding Reception.

The new 'tablet' I had ordered arrived first thing Wednesday so that took care of that day.  It has similar specs to a Google Nexus 7 which retails for another $100 over what I paid.  I am impressed with its weight and its speed.  It loads webpages almost as quickly as Trish's laptop.  It has been a huge learning curve for me but lots of fun!

Trish had Stitchers followed by 7 other ladies around for lunch.  Meanwhile I headed around to help someone with their network problems.  It started by a problem with his printer when he replaced the ink.  I suggested a "System Restore" but he did a "Computer Restore".  He virtually lost 50% of what I had put on for him as well as his internet connection.

Two hours later he was reconnected to the net and I had replaced programs which he had 'lost'.

Last night we watched the first 5 episodes of "Top Of The Lake", a New Zealand crime mystery.  To watch 5 episodes in one sitting indicates we thought it was OK.

The rest of the today will see the final load of washing dried and altogether just a quiet sort of a day.  We expect around 28 degrees later so the backyard beside the pool should be a fair option.

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