Monday, December 03, 2012

The Heat Is On

We have had consistently warm temperatures for around 4 or 5 days now with tops around 30 degrees.

The weather here is different to what we used to get when we lived in Melbourne.  Here the hottest part of the day is either late morning or just after lunch.  As we are so close to the coast, we enjoy the benefit of a cooler sea breeze.  Here the sea breeze is a north easterly and on most days is strong enough to overcome any other breeze and usually arrives any time from early in the afternoon.

This breeze is enough to cut around 2 degrees off the temperature but also to prevent it rising further as the day goes on.

By mid afternoon the cooler sea breeze is usually well and truly blowing and we can open the front door and the garage door and have the benefit of the cooler breeze throughout the house.

Today the sea breeze will be kept at bay a little longer as the winds will be powerful enough to hold up its arrival for an hour or so.

But tomorrow we probably won't get any sea breeze at all, so the conditions will be similar to a hot northerly wind blowing all day down in Melbourne.  We won't have the cooling sea breeze and correspondingly, we will enjoy a top temperature tomorrow of around 37 degrees!

Another thing about the weather here is the instability of the atmosphere at this time of year which can lead to late afternoon showers and thunderstorms.  There is a possibility of both showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and tomorrow as well.  The pool needs a lift in water level so hopefully we can enjoy the benefit of some heavy rain to top the pool up and water the lawns and gardens.

Our little house is set up to accommodate this sort of hot summer weather.  The blinds are down all day today and will be down tomorrow as well.  Tomorrow may also be a day where the air conditioner goes on.  We will run it at around 26 degrees (or warmer) and run the ceiling fans as well from early in the afternoon.  This will keep it very comfortable.

There was a small chance of storms last night so the gazebo has come down.  We get great afternoon shade along the back fence now.  And we have the beach umbrella as well to give us shade too. I am not sure how the gazebo would handle a thunderstorm in this part of the world!

Trish has a meeting to get to this morning while I will be watching the cricket from Perth in between quick swims in the pool!

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