Friday, December 07, 2012

Friday Update

Possibly the biggest news over the last day or so is that we have had a little rain. This morning I missed my bike ride owing to a couple of heavy showers, we had 9mls of rain.

Thursday morning I topped the pool up but not right to the top.  It is now full and the lawn has had a good drop of rain.  Everything around about us is so yellow and dry.  Hopefully this rain will green things up a little.

Click on the photo for a larger view.

The gazebo didn't handle the drop of rain well at all.  I am only able to anchor three corners of the roof securely with guy ropes.  This keeps the roof tight and causes most of the rain to fall off onto the ground. The fourth corner of the roof is only held in place by a couple of Velcro strips at the top of the supporting leg. Click on this photo for a larger view of how the gazebo roof is 'anchored'.

With any sort of rain beginning to pool, the Velcro 'peels' up and creates an area where the rain can gather at the fourth corner of the gazebo.  As it gets heavier, the pool of water becomes larger and the Velcro peels even more.

It seems when we go out and if there is any chance of rain I just need to unlock the height adjustment on the front leg of the gazebo.  This causes that corner of the roof to sag and ensures rain water is unable to build up. There is a release height adjustment push button about 45cms from the base of the leg.  The other three legs are securely attached to the fence by guy ropes and by other Velcro strips tying it securely to the fence palings. The roof here is quite tight and any pooling of rain is minimal.

We have enjoyed extremely low humidity the last few days.  So despite registering 33 degrees or so it has been quite comfortable.  The wind direction has changed today to off the ocean from the south east and we are seeing the humidity level increase.

Tonight we are all out for Italian to celebrate Ian's 60th birthday.  Kerrie has returned from Sydney after caring for her father who is in hospital.  However they set off again by car for Sydney for their daughter's wedding.  We have just over a week before we set off for Melbourne.

We are up to episode 10 of Boardwalk Empire Series 3.  It is as good as any of the other Boardwalk Empire series we have watched.

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