Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In Melbourne

We arrived in Melbourne late in the afternoon of Monday, 3:30 to be exact.  All our plans on covering added ground on Sunday worked to perfection and we rolled into the western suburbs of Melbourne around 2:30 and through the city and out into the suburbs by 3:30.

Sunday had been a big day as we covered over 1000k's.  We were both pretty tired but arrived in Peak Hill safely.

Trish dashed about doing some Christmas shopping on Tuesday while having missed the last two days of the cricket settled down in front of the telly for some serious cricket watching.  The game was eventually won by Australia over Sri Lanka but it was coming down to the wire when the last wicket fell.

Then it was out for the first of our Christmas functions with friends at a private home for a Christmas meal, a chat, drinks and wonderful friendship.  It was a great night when we rolled into bed around 12:30 am.  So it wasn't with great joy we welcomed the grand kids into our bed at 6:30 am the next morning.

So today Wednesday was spent catching up with our financial planner for our annual visit.  Then it was a little more shopping before I again got my computer fix.  We won't be long out of bed tonight I reckon!

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