Friday, December 14, 2012

In Heading South Mode

It has been an exciting week.  There is nothing I prefer more than to have a problem with something on the internet.  And it seems I am not the only one coming to grips with the loss of the website NZBMatrix.  I have tried and swapped several sites since I last wrote on my blog.

Slowly but surely I am building a suite of websites to try to take its place.

I have put a website together called MoviesHowTo.  Someone on one of the forums I visit was having problems with creating "Movie Sheets".  I had put a page about this on my MoviesHowTo website and I directed him to it.  He was able to create his own Movie Sheets and thanked me for putting the page together.  He then went and advertised it on Whirlpool.bc as a great reference for others needing help.  I got quite a kick out of that.

Also this week I have had a little to do with the Community Association attending openings and answering requests from the Council.  I have had to do a little lobbying with Sunshine Coast Airport Management, our local MP, our Councillor and a few others over a problem which has arisen.

We have had a very brisk south easterly blowing all week.  It is blowing dust in off the new estate beside us.  I hadn't needed to clean the pool for three days, such is the improvement since removing the palm trees and the garden in the backyard.  When this wind is blowing and we are getting the dust, I need to clean it every three hours!

The house gets coated in dust as well.  Fortunately it hasn't been hot this week, just the high 20's most days so we can close the house up and keep some of the dust out.

We got 10mls of rain Thursday morning but the 'overflow' rain  water I farm from the downpipe didn't work.  I took it apart and cleaned out all the gunk and it is OK again now.  Trouble is I missed out on 9 mls of the 10mls we got!

Been slowly getting things together for our trip south on Sunday.  The old computer, the old AV Receiver have both been sorted ready to be packed into the car.  The Melbourne Black I brewed is excellent and is waiting to be loaded as well.  Clothes and other bits and pieces are being collected on the 'spare' bed ready to be packed.

Trish has had Christmas turns all week for her Stitchers and Quilters.  I have Christmas with the Computer Club tomorrow.  Trish cut my hair yesterday, all the bits and pieces which require attention before we head south! The lawn was mowed this morning!

The cricket Test match from Tasmania is just about to come on TV again so I will have to dash!

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