Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Hot Hot Hot!

It is 10 a.m. up here and I have just grabbed the photo left.  The temperature sensor is attached to our back fence, right above some dark colored concrete.  It does have a hood to shade it but it is still right in the sun!

That the temperature there is above 40 degrees is offset by the low 31% humidity.  A gusty north westerly breeze is blowing hot air from inland Australia right over us.  The wind should remain dominant all day and not allow the cooling sea breeze to establish itself after lunch.

My bike ride this morning was several kilometres short of the usual 13k's but I was anxious to get back home.

The pool will be a popular place this afternoon.  The house is locked up "Melbourne Style" with windows shut and blinds drawn to keep the heat out.

We still are lacking rain.  There wasn't any predicted thunder storm at all last night so I was forced to again top the pool up from the mains this morning.  Fortunately the pool is small in capacity, so after 15 minutes or so, it was topped up nicely.

Good friend Ian celebrated his 60th birthday yesterday.  His wife Kerrie is in Sydney looking after her ailing father.  With this in mind we all went to the RSL last night for tea and a few celebratory drinks, despite Kerrie not being here.  Ian's daughter Michelle who lives with them attended as well and did the driving home.

Ian seemed appreciative that we would all go out to help him celebrate.

I am not used to full strength beer and the red wine we had.  Therefore I am a little sluggish this morning.  Trish and I had the "2 meals for $25" deal.  We both felt for the quality of the meal that we had eaten we were ripped off!

But it was a great night!

Later at around 10:30pm Trish and I sat outside for a few minutes on the 'new' concrete area.  I had just had a pre-bed swim.  The pool lights were on, the Christmas lights were dancing on the back fence and it was just a sensational way to finish an excellent evening!

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