Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Spring Cleaning

The last few days have been just delightful.  The T-Shirts have been put away and the singlets are out.  The pool remains in the low 20's but I am getting used to it.

On Monday I replaced the border stones on the new concrete area all along the back fence.  It is looking OK.

On Tuesday morning Trish had a doctor's appointment regarding her shoulder.  She is booked in to see a surgeon for his opinion.  Trish hopes surgery isn't required.  As our doctor is also a personal friend, there has been request that if a cancellation occurs, for Trish to get in a little earlier to see the surgeon.  At the moment she has a 6 week wait for an appointment.

I went in to Caloundra with her when she went for her doctor's appointment.  I needed a new watch band, some more brew mix, I had to see someone in regards to their laptop and we were after another 'coffee table' from K-Mart. After getting back home we had to get ready quickly as we were going 'out' for lunch with friends.

We usually catch up with Ian and Kerrie for lunch out somewhere each week.  We decided this week's lunch out would be Fish N Chips at the beach.  There are many delightful spots along the local coast but for what we wanted yesterday this one was just perfect.  A passer-by took the snap for us.

Click on either photo for a larger view.  Then click on the X in the top right corner to return to this page. The photos show a major reason for why we live where we live.

I had to use my camera in the phone so I took this next photo just to give you an idea of the view we had.  We spent several extremely pleasant hours there.  We had heaps to eat and possibly just a little too much to drink

The fish and chips from our favorite Marsay Bros was just around the corner.  This will not only be a popular suggestion for lunch in the future but this spot is just perfect for many different versions of Fish N Chips at the Beach!

This morning was sunny and warm again.  After a 12k bike ride I decided to clean the blinds we have all around the back of the house to keep the summer sun out.  I got out the new pressure hose and this time I also used a brush.  In combination the two worked perfectly and all the blinds are looking quite good again.

Summer is really on its way.  However a cold southerly change with winds and rain is due to blow in tomorrow.  Temps will be back to the low 20's and it will be perfect for me to put a new brew on! The pool needs the rain as the water level is down a little.  The overflow from the house downpipes is turned on and waiting for the rain to arrive and top up the pool.

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