Wednesday, October 17, 2012

All Finished

It has been quite hectic the last day or so.  Most has been to do with the Community Association.  The Council here has released a Draft Masterplan for the nearby airport.  As the closest residential area to the airport and with a forecast that aircraft movements will double in the next 20 years the sensationalizing journalists have been after a statement which will 'shock' everyone.

The truth is the local helicopter training school has lost its big contract from Asia to train helicopter pilots.  This means they are dealing with fewer pilots thus fewer training flights over local houses thus you hardly know the airport is there.

Click on both pics for a larger view.

We had a meeting with the local Private School principal Tuesday morning and last night another meeting at Council Offices on the masterplan.

Today I have had a call from a local radio station wanting to record an interview tomorrow morning.

On top of all of this I ordered more stones to finish off the backyard.  The stones would fill an 8cm gap between next door and the 2 tiered back wall of border stones.  I ordered too many stones so some areas around the house have had their 10mm river pebbles topped up!

The stones will act as a further backup to accommodate any water seepage through from next door.  There is a 12cm gap between the new concrete slab and the back fence which should allow any excess water to drain away.

The Christmas lights are in position along the top of the back fence, the Father Xmas masks which light up after dark are working and the two flood lights have at last found a home at the back of the middle pot plant.  I have added another 'lizard' to the wall hangings along the back fence as well.

Right now it is around 27 degrees in our little backyard, the pool is heading towards 25 degrees.  Tomorrow is looking like around 30 degrees and there will be similar temperatures over the weekend as well.  The pool should get a chance to really warm up.

Trish is on a Ladies Day Out to a Craft Show in Brisbane today. Tomorrow we are again planning on fish n chips at the beach.  This time there could be 8 of us.

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