Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mid Week Already!

After a couple of quite cool days summer has again reappeared today with a top temp around 30 degrees.  Yesterday it struggled to get to the low 20's and the pool temperature has fallen quite a deal as well. Today I had a quick dip at under 21 degrees.

Since I last wrote here on the Blog I have completed a bottling of my home brew, always a good job to get out of the way.

Community Association updating and Computer Club preparation have both been keeping me busy as well.  However I was able to catch most of the one day cricket match between S.A. and Tasmania yesterday.

I have been loaned a 10" tablet by the Computer Club and I have been finding out all about them.  I said I would do a presentation on it this Saturday so I have been doing a little preparation for that.  I will post it here on the blog and show it from there on a TV screen at Computer Club.  So if you see a strange 'post' on the blog, you will know what it is about.

This Tablet is around $180.  It is a cross between my android phone and a laptop.  I had been kind of itching to get one but after having this for a week or two I don't see what all the excitement is about.

Tablets (or iPads) would be handy if all you wanted to do was some simple office work, get on the internet, grab emails, check out Facebook, watch a movie and do everyday basic stuff.  I am not sure I would even pay that sort of money for one.  It may be handy if you are travelling perhaps.

Trish has found it too big and a little heavy for reading a book as an eReader.  I suspect there could be some value in a smaller model, e.g. 7".  I certainly wouldn't pay $370 for an iPad 7" Mini.  I did find a cheap Chinese 7" dual core tablet for around $90.  However if someone gave me $100 right now I would probably spend it on a 3TB USB3 external Hard Disk Drive.  My Movies and TV Show collection is so big I really need more storage space!

Speaking of which, lately we have been watching a TV Series called John Adams.  He was one of the founding fathers of the American war of Independence, and went on to become the second president of the U.S.  A great story about a time of history of which I knew little.

Last week we watched Series 1 of "The Tudors".  There are 3 more series of that to go!

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