Monday, October 15, 2012

A Fine Few Days

As usual, time just plods along!  Not a lot more has happened since my Friday update.  We had drinks here Friday afternoon and then slipped across the road for the opening of the new estate.  The developer would have been 'over the moon' with around 6000 people attending the event.  It was very busy with many streets around about us filled with parked cars.

It was almost a crush in any of the 20 or so Display Homes which were officially 'open'.  The food vendors had 20m queues and were overwhelmed with the numbers.  Crowds and coolness got the better of us around 7:30pm so we headed home, the ladies sat and drank while the gentlemen headed down the street for Pizza.  The local Pizza shop was flat out.  We had a 15 minute wait but found a nice corner in the Bellvista Tavern to wait our turn.

It was a very good night.

Saturday was busy but not too bad at Computer Club.  The afternoon was quieter but the evening was very pleasant.  We had bought vouchers online (Grabone) which entitled us to a mains and a entree each for $40 at one of the nice little restaurants in town called Rosey's On The Beach.  So at $40 a double the three couples headed into town for our cheap meal Saturday night.

It was a super deal at $40 and probably worth around $65 a double.  However had we have bought there off the menu the bill would have been closer to $100 per couple.

Sunday was quiet (and time spent drying out). The Christmas fairy lights went up on the back fence so Trish is very happy.

Today I had an 'emergency' call from a computer Club member regarding Thunderbird, her email program on her laptop.  It wouldn't open properly after a recent update.  I reinstalled the program again and still no luck.  The next step was System Restore.  This did work OK so everything was back again.  Again we updated the program to the latest and it said the update didn't install properly.  It then went into an automatic full reinstall and everything was fine again.

As she would be in NZ for 6 months, we installed Skype as well for her.  She was happy when she left.

A coolish day with just a hint of briskness in the southerly wind.  We are expecting the temp to get around 25 degrees.  It is then expected to slowly 'warm up' to the low 30's come the weekend.

I am planning on putting small river pebbles behind the border stones in the next day or so to finish off the job at the back.  And we should finish off the TV series "Underbelly Badness" tonight.

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