Friday, November 25, 2011

Water Diverter Wasn't Required After All

By the time the rain clouds had cleared from our area sometime early this morning it turned out we hadn't needed the water diverter after all to ensure the water level in the pool was topped up. The pool is now full and there are 77mls of rain in the gauge. The 3+" of rain we have had would have been enough to fill the pool without even contemplating using the water diverter at all.

After a fall of rain like that I usually don't bother to ride. The pathways usually have seepage over them which means you get spray all over your back and water splashes all over the rest of you. I did do around 12k's this morning on the bike and there wasn't one spot where any overnight water could be seen.

I guess it was so dry the water just soaked straight in! Our front lawn looks terrible. The areas of grass which are alive are a bright vibrant green this morning while the rest looks a dirty dead yellow color. Let us see what it looks like in a few days time.

With all that rain it is very humid right now, somewhere around 85%. This should lower as the day progresses and the surface water dries out. The pool looks OK though, it is a little under 27 degrees in there right now.

More rain is expected tomorrow.

I thought the joke below was quite clever!

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