Monday, November 28, 2011

It Is Summer Time

Any further rain which was predicted over the weekend failed to arrive. We had clear skies and northerly winds. The temp hovered in the low 30's over much of Sunday making the pool the place to be.

Friday night attendance at drinks was down but that didn't seem to impact on the enjoyment. Ian and his wife kerry dropped around and we had a great night, possibly a little too good a night for Trish. She crashed early leaving me alone to watch a bit of TV. Trish had a quiet Saturday!

I went to Computer Club as per normal on Saturday and again dealt with a range of problems for members. We managed to solve most of them and had generally happy customers at the end of it. I took Ian with me and after I got him home I switched his anti-virus across to NOD32 which I think he will be happy with.

Most of the weekend was spent switching between cricket and golf on TV in the lounge room and then popping out into the pool for a refreshing swim.

New neighbours moved in to the house on the right as you face our home. They are a young couple with two boys. He is a former soldier who now works 'in the mines' out of Gladstone. He works 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Gladstone is around 400k's north of the Sunshine Coast and is a major centre for the huge mining boom Queensland is experiencing right now. The mines is where the good money is to be made right now. They seem very nice. He is the first person living there in the last 5 years who owns a lawn mower!

I bike rode on Sunday and today with the pool being 27.5 degrees this morning.

Later in the morning I spent an hour delivering Community Association newsletters. The pool is beckoning right now as I type.

Cooler wet weather is expected after lunch on Thursday which just happens to be the first day of the first cricket test against New Zealand to be played in Brisbane.

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