Thursday, November 10, 2011

Not A Lot Of News

The photo to the left really says it all! Great days with temps in the high 20's, a little breezy but usually that is the sea breeze blowing in from the north-east.

Today was spent with a little downloading of movies and TV shows. It is almost the end of my 'month' and I have plenty of bandwidth left. A TV Series called Homeland is very popular in the USA right now and "Metacritic" (great website) gives it a very good score. I grabbed the first 6 episodes this morning and swapped them over to the new media player.

This morning I had my ride, a quick swim and then bottled my beer. It was perfect for bottling and got all my beer supplies back to normal. The fridge is well stocked and my supplies in the garage are back to 'normal'.

I am not a fan of Facebook but I kind of keep an eye on it about once a month. I spotted one of my friends from Melbourne had Glenn Lewis as a "friend". That name rang a bell with me. It goes back around 15 years I guess but Glenn was from the USA and attended an International School to School Experience Conference in Lucknow India. I was the delegate representing Australian ISSE schools.

It was Glenn who accompanied me when we were shown around Lucknow with Lt Col Percy Swing. Percy was an ex "Gurkha" officer and was working for the 'school' in India as an aide to the school principal, and had been charged with showing Glenn and me the sights of Lucknow. It was pretty hot so after a share of ancient buildings it was time for Percy to show us a spot where we could get a cool "Kingfisher" or two.

He took us to the Pink Pussy Cat Bar in Lucknow. I ordered three beers for us. Percy declined saying he was working and it wouldn't be right. We convinced him that the Australian tradition was when you were offered a beer you took it and joined 'the shout'. From that moment onwards we were all best mates. It was no longer "Lt Col Swing", now it was Percy, Les and Glenn!

A few days later Glenn and I were invited to Percy's home for a meal with Percy and his delightful wife. It was a wonderful night, a great meal and a friendship I will treasure for ever!

If my memory serves me right, Glenn and I travelled back to New Delhi by overnight train, another story that is!

Glenn and I have exchanged messages on Facebook so we will see what develops!

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