Monday, November 21, 2011

Possibly Some Rain Wednesday

It is now more than 5 weeks since we had any rain over 5 or 6 mls in a day. So far no rain at all has been recorded in November. But the forecast is telling us that we can expect 'periods of rain' on Thursday. We sure need it.

Every four days or so I need to top the pool up just a little to ensure the water level is high enough for the pool's skimmer box (and the filter pump) to work. The water diverter connected to a down pipe is turned on and the hose is poised above the skimmer box ready to pour any rain water into the pool!

The front lawn is yellow and crinkles under my feet as I walk on it. The pots get a small water from time to time to give any plants a 'drink' to keep them alive.

I have watched heaps of golf the last few day with the Presidents Cup live and in full on PayTV. Then of course once 6pm comes, there is live Test Cricket from South Africa where Australia is currently playing.

I did the Computer Club on Saturday which was as busy as usual. I washed bottles ready for my next bottling sometime this week and they are now ready to go.

Last night 8 of us ventured to the very local Indian restaurant for their $30 per head banquet. It was a huge success with everyone enjoying the food and having heaps to eat. Despite giving my home brew and red wine a 'nudge' last night I am moving very well this morning. I even got my 12 kilometre bike ride over and done by 7:45 am. It was nearly 26 degrees in the pool when I had a refreshing swim afterwards.

I see Pat and Graeme are safely back from their trip to the UK. Skype gives me reminders that they are 'online'. We will get all the news when we catch up with them on our next trip to Melbourne mid December. I have also heard from my brother that they will be visiting us New Year's Eve and will collect us from Maroochydore Airport when we fly back in after Christmas.

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