Monday, November 14, 2011

Warm Days & No Rain!

This morning the pool was a gorgeous 25 degrees so after a bike ride it was just wonderful to flop around in the water for 10 minutes or so. It has now been so long since we had even a drop of rain, the pool water level needs topping up from the hose and the front lawn now crinkles under your feet! It is now 4 weeks since we had any rainfall over 7 mls.

As some of you know I need to be careful with my back. Every now and again it goes into spasms and causes me pain and grief! It has been perfect for several months now and yet I have continued to do all the things I shouldn't, mow lawns, vacuum the house/pool, lift heavy loads, brew beer etc. Then Saturday afternoon all I did was stand up from a chair and turn. I felt like I had been shot in the lower back.

Several inflammatory tablets later I was at least able to get around again. Each day it gets a little better but a trip for me to the Chiropractor has been booked for this afternoon.

Trish was flat out all weekend with another Craft Fair. As a Committee Member she was on duty for much of the time. She put a few things 'on sale' and has made around $150 for the weekend into her own pocket. This will pay for the materials she used with a little left over as compensation for the hours of work which went into it all.

Still not much to download from the net. I am really not interested in "Zombies Apocalypse" which scores 4.5 from Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB). Generally I only download movies which are 7.0 or better.

A movie we did enjoy during the week was "The Devil's Double", the story of Uday Hussein, one of Saddam's sons. A guy had been used as the Uday's double and was used to front the press or deliver speeches in dangerous areas while Uday remained in the safety of his own well fortified home. Uday is probably best remembered as a sex fiend in Iraq!

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