Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trish Not feeling Well

Trish felt she had the makings of a cold yesterday. Today has been quite laid back for her after a sleepless night. She surfaced from bed late in the morning not feeling well at all and has been taking it easy around the house today. Hopefully it will just be a few days thing and she will be feeling better tomorrow.

Not a lot of news. This morning was around 10 degrees so a bit warmer than yesterday and the day before that.

I had a slightly shorter ride this morning as I knew I had a busy day. I did about 10k's on my bike ride. Then when I arrived back home I set into a 'bottling'. I bottled 32 large bottles of my home brew and then immediately put another brew on. In between the two tasks was a cleaning time when I cleaned the brew kits out after the bottling. Eventually everything was under control and a new brew was set up by about 1 pm.

With Trish feeling ill I was then on my bike and down to the local supermarket (only a few minutes bike ride away) to get milk, bread and some vegies for tonight's meal.

It was only after that and a quick bit to eat that I had time to do a bit of surfing on the internet.

Several weeks ago I sent away to my favorite 'online gadgets store' in China for a wireless network adapter. It is the white dongle thing you can see in the photo to the left. This little gizmo allows me to connect the computer (the old PC) to my home network by wireless. You just plug it into a spare USB port, Windows 7 automatically installs the driver, put in my network password and you are online! All of this for less than $10!

Remember you can click on the pictures for a larger view.

An added advantage is that this little gizmo also works with my WD TV Live Media Player. I plug the wireless dongle into the media player and it can then play movies which are stored on the new hard disk drive attached to my computer in another room. It does this by connecting into my internet wireless network and transferring the movie wirelessly from the hard drive to the media player in another room!

I had previously paid $40 for a dongle to do this, I could have used this one which was less than 25% of the price!

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