Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Showery Today

Since I last added to the blog it has been a little damp one day and then perfectly fine and sunny the next. This means today is a bit overcast with a shower every hour or so. Yesterday was delightful!

Since I last added a post I have bottle washed and then today I did a bottling. I usually have to move things around when doing a bottling. I have 32 bottles to go into 'storage' so that means I must have 32 bottles to come out and put into my cupboard or fridge. Well one bottle slipped from my grasp this morning and split wide open on the floor of the computer room. There was beer and froth everywhere!

I cleaned it all up but noticed my trousers and shirt were covered in beer too! So it was a quick run through the washing machine then onto to the line to dry! That is how I know it has been showery today, I have been in and out to the line several times to try to get stuff dry. I have one eye on the sky right now just to check things out.

Our daughter Kate and the two grand kids are flying up on Saturday morning. Evidently the kids are packed already and trying out their roller cases all around the house! We are looking forward to it too. Arj will join Kate and the kids on Monday!

Most of the rest of the time I have been spent mucking around on my computer. I use Thunderbird version 2 for my emails. There has been a version 3 around for a long time but things just don't migrate easily between the versions when you do a program update.

I had to do a full new install of Thunderbird 3 on the old PC, set it all up with my 7 email accounts, and then transfer the newly created 'profile' to the new PC. I had backed up the old Thunderbird 2 profile so I copy/pasted saved emails, heaps of folders of saved emails and my address book into the new profile. Then I installed Thunderbird 3 over the top of Version 2. After a little more rejigging of folders and things it is all working beautifully now. I have upgraded to Thunderbird Version 3.

We ran the dishwasher again last night and it all worked perfectly!

I hope you enjoy the joke in the post below.

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