Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Sunny Day After A Brisk Start

It has been a lovely sunny day with hardly a cloud in the sky. However the morning was very cool with temps again less than 6 degrees this morning. But as the photo shows it panned out into a delightful sunny day of about 20 degrees.

Click on the photo for a larger view, then click on "Back" to return to this page.

Being so cold meant I didn't get off for my bike ride till well after 10 a.m. Then it was over the road to check on an older neighbour's Windows Updates. He had heaps of them to do and was worried because of the number. He only has 256 speed and his updates were well over 100MBS. But time wasn't a worry for him.

Trish was up and about and feeling pretty good one minute to being not so good a few minutes later. She took it pretty easy and did a couple of things around the house. A load of washing went through and the dishwasher did a cycle. The dishwasher didn't want to finish the cycle and I am hoping that by pulling the power lead out for an hour or two then reconnecting will get it to fully 'reset' and fix it.

Later on Trish did some work on a friend's website she wanted made. Our internet connection hasn't been running so well with some websites seemingly taking ages to come up. We experienced some problems getting the website online. But eventually we got there.

I don't think Trish will worry about "trivia" tonight.

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

We are about to go crazy over here with record setting temps. Go to my facebook page and look at my thermometer a few days ago. It still looks like that nearly every afternoon. Right now it is 40C and will be about 43 in three more hours. We are in terrible drought and our grass is dying. We are trying our best to water it, but just can't keep up. There are wildfires all the time, so the aroma of smoke is strong some days. It is giving us a taste of what hell is like. Air conditioner runs practically all the time.