Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sunny Thursday

The weather has been typical Queensland winter weather the last couple of days with hardly a cloud in the sky and temps struggling into the low 20's. But find a spot in the sun out of the wind and it is sensational right now.

I have been doing some Community Association tasks the last couple of days. The newsletter has been printed so I shuffled off to Kawana to collect it. Then yesterday I dropped all 1300 copies off with the distribution coordinator. Overnight Trish and I folded my 110 newsletters and then I delivered them this morning.

The home brew continues to bubble away. The problem this time of year is to keep it warm while it brews away quietly.

The "Photo Gallery" BeCA website page had a big makeover the other day. I hadn't done much to it for about 6 months so it really did need a fair bit of it being scrapped and a whole new page put online. That job has now been done.

I had the end of my internet month yesterday so there was a mad panic to download stuff. We have discovered the Scottish Detective drama series "Taggart". I have now downloaded about 18 episodes of the most recent 3 series. Previously we had found the Scottish accent too hard to handle but now because we both use headphones when listening to the TV, we can understand the dialogue a lot more clearly.

The pressure cleaner came out this morning to do the border stones in the back yard. This sort of place means there is always a build up of mould. But now they have been cleaned. I will do the front drive way sometime next week.

I sprayed the broad leaf clover that has sprung up in the front lawn and it is beginning to die off.

Trish spent a quiet day on Tuesday in "Recovery Mode" after being busy all weekend with her "Fair". She had Stitchers Wednesday morning and a little "Spotlight" shopping to do in the afternoon.

Trish has a new job. She is going to collect Census Papers. She had to apply for the position and attend an interview. There were well over 60 applicants for the 6 or so positions and she was fortunate enough to get one of them. Did I forget to mention our local Census Coordinator who did the job selection is one of the guys we enjoy a few beers with most Friday afternoons!

Right now she is sewing up a red cape for James the youngest grandson (he turned 4 yesterday) for when they visit us in a little over a fortnight.

It has been very wet in New South Wales the last week or so and a rogue shower from down south hit Caloundra after dark last night. A sweet 4mls of rain just to freshen the garden and lawn up was most welcome. The weather bureau thought there was the odd chance of a shower overnight.

I have been getting my 12+ kilometre bike rides in the last few days. After being ill and not riding for about three weeks, I am now slowly getting back into the swing of things.

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