Friday, March 18, 2011

A Wet Weekend Is On The Way

Tuesday evening was extremely pleasant. We manage to fix everything on "Peter's" new Windows 7 PC. He had a list of queries and all of them are now answered or were attended to. I put a 'back-up' program on his computer which two sets of folders one being the 'originals' and updates the second set on an external hard disk drive. We also installed Office 2010 for him and updated a couple of other programs which he uses.

Peter is a keen (and very good) cook and prepared a lovely satay dish for our meal. A few beers and a good chat ensured a pleasant evening was had by all.

I have always had a problem with my right ear. I have had the eardrum replaced three times and I am always wary of any infection it may have. I felt the beginnings of an infection on Wednesday so I had a hasty trip to the doctor for anit-biotics and drops. Today everything feels pretty good and getting to things early was the best idea.

I have live coverage of the Sheffield Shield cricket final on TV so I have been propping in front of the TV a fair bit yesterday and today.

My PC has powered off perfectly the last 16 times! Ever since Monday morning it has performed perfectly. I reckon the humidity level was the problem. Even when I bottled my recent brew on Thursday, I noted how sugar doesn't 'clump' like it did during the wet and humid weather over summer. It poured just like sand during the recent bottling. My beer supplies are well and truly up to date now.

We have had some wonderful warm sunny weather all this week. It is beginning to cloud over today and a wet weekend is promised by the weather forecasters.

The front lawn may need a good water. I sprayed it last weekend to get rid of the Mullumbinby Couch weed it had contracted. I was told the spray would cause some problems (but shouldn't kill) my Queensland Blue Couch lawn. Hopefully a good sprinkle of rain will fix these ominous 'brown spots' and help the lawn to bounce back.

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