Thursday, March 03, 2011

A Warm Spell

We have had it over 30 degrees the last few days. Even the pool is around 30 degrees right now! Not a lot of news to share. Trish has been busy with Stitchers etc as well as her volunteer stuff at the local Tourist Information Centre. It is her birthday on Saturday!

I have two brews on the go right now. The one on the left in the photo (a 'Gold' lager) has been bubbling away for well over a week now. Usually they are ready to bottle in less than a week. But I check the 'readings' using a hydrometer and it still has a day or so to go. It bubbles every now and again through the air lock so it is still brewing OK. The other one is a "Black" and is bubbling along nicely.

I'll do some bottle washing in the next day or so. And a bottling if the "Gold" ever decides it is ready to do so!

It is certainly warm enough for using the pool, even a swim before retiring is a great way to freshen up and head towards bed.

Storms and rain are expected over the next few days and top temps around 26 or so are due for the weekend.

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