Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Lovely Sunny Day

I rode over 16k's this morning. There was a suggestion of drizzle for part of the ride but not enough to stop me. The few drizzle spots cleared to a lovely sunny day.

The pool was 25.5 degrees this morning so the swim was refreshing.

I headed into Caloundra and got a quote on a hand built PC to my specifications. Then to the doctor for prescription renewal, sign off on my hearing aid being maintained by the government now I am a pensioner, and to get a flu jab as well.

This afternoon I am around to a mate's place to check out his PC. He installed a program, something to do with Nero. After that every time he went to open a program a sign popped up saying "Nero is unable to open this file". When he tried System Restore he got "Nero is unable to open this file".

He has Windows 7 and there is a spot in there during boot up where you can get the option to use System Restore after tapping th F8 key during loading. He got everything back OK again but now every file or program has the same 'icon'.

I will see if we can fix it and then I am invited to stay for dinner!

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