Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Warm But Wet And Gloomy Outside

We have had over an inch of rain (30mls actually) over the last day or so with more rain expected today. But it isn't cold with 23 to 26 expected over the next few days until cooler weather arrives later in the weekend.

On Monday I was out and about during the afternoon helping Computer Club members. One member was after a copy of Pinnacle 14. This is a huge download of about 2.7GB. She said she had fast speed and plenty of bandwidth allocation so invited me to her place so I could install some download software and she could download the program herself. I installed the software taking her at her word but found the connection wasn't too good. Further investigation showed she had only 5GB download per month and 512 speed! It would take her 15 hours to download the program.

I came home and downloaded the program for her in less than an hour.

We have a great young chap at the club who has a bit of a disability. He was keen to change his ISP (Internet Service Provider). I went to his place to help him complete the online form so he could swap to a new ISP (and now get 10x the download allocation for the same price). I will need to go back to his place to setup his modem for him when the change comes through. The modem has to be reset so it can connect to the new provider. He will now get 25GB download per month for $30. However his speed will be quite slow but fine for just doing some internet browsing.

And finally I had promised another member all 10 episodes of "How the Americans Won the WWII Without Any help from Anyone Else" (better known as "The Pacific"). I put them onto a hard drive for them so they could watch it on the media player.

On each occasion I took my new 880GB Portable HDD with me. It is wonderful! It is hard to believe that this small HDD holds all my movies, all my downloaded software as well as a backup of all my important stuff (photos, music, documents etc).

To get 'ahead' of my home brewing schedule I put another brew on yesterday. For this brew I will use 1.25 litre Coca Cola bottles. This will be a great backup to my regular brew timetable and put me in front of my brewing schedule prior to our next trip to Melbourne in about 3 weeks. However I now have another bottle washing day most likely on Friday and possibly a bottling day on Sunday.

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