Saturday, July 10, 2010

Overcast And A Few Showers

Just about lunchtime, enough time to do a quick post.

Trish's team won the Trivia Night on Thursday and she was happy with that. There were several regulars missing from her team so they were really pleased to win with only a few of them there.

Trish has been working on the Stitchers' newsletter. She has volunteered to do it. I set it up for her in "Publisher". This isn't a program she is familiar with so she is on a bit of a learning curve right now. Publisher makes it easy to 'adjust' areas of your piece so it fits in. It is easy to make a picture a little larger (or smaller) and the same with the size of the print. Text boxes can be easily manipulated too. She is learning the best button to use is "Save" just in case something gets messed up.

Yesterday afternoon we both went around for 'drinks' with friends as per usual Friday afternoon. Again it was very pleasant.

Overnight we had a few showers and again we had one or two this morning as well. It is about 20° outside right now.

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