Sunday, August 01, 2010

A Welcome Visitor

Splendour In The Grass is the name of possibly the biggest outdoor music festival in Australia and is usually conducted annually at Byron Bay, a seaside town about 400kms south of us here on the Sunshine Coast. Our youngest daughter Kim loves going to it and usually 'sneaks' a day off work and travels up to attend it. This year the festival was conducted about 40kms from where we are at Woodford.

So Thursday evening we welcomed Kim and three of her good friends (including the couple with whom Kim recently travelled to Germany and Europe) to our home for a meal on their way to the music festival. Trish cooked a lovely seafood pasta and and a scrumptious lamb curry. It was great to see Kim (even if it was only for a few hours) and her friends. It was a great evening.

To cap everything off for the music goers, this part of Queensland experienced summer like conditions on Saturday with a top temp of 28 degrees! The weather was sensational with not so cold nights and pleasant days.

Our own news is more of the same, helping people out at Computer Club, going to Quilters, recovering from possibly one too many wines while Kim was here, a lovely Friday afternoon with friends and a few drinks and with the warm weather, getting heaps of washing dried!

Spring is in the air with wattle trees in full bloom.

Recently some neighbours decided to upgrade their PC. They are an older couple and we have got to know them as great neighbours. Brian especially enjoys getting movies from me which I have downloaded. Now he has a new PC I said it would be easier for him now to burn his new movies to DVD format as he wanted to watch them.

Since then he now has bought a WDTV Media Player and uses one of my 'old' external HDD's and watches his movies that way. He has become quite keen on the PC and what it can do. I even had him downloading a CD the other day to play in his car! He has taken to the new echnology like a duck to water.

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