Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Spring" Cleaning

It is a little wet in England as I type, the first cricket test match between Pakistan and Australia has a delayed start owing to "bad light". Hopefully play will get underway soon. I am on the PC and will do my blog page.

A delightful warmish sunny day today with temps around 23 degrees or so. Even now at 8:30 at night it is a pleasant 18 outside. This morning I finished a 13 kilometre bike ride about 9:30 and then I decided the blinds along the patio needed a clean. They get a build up of dust and some mould from the weather we experience here. You need a warm day to dry everything after you finish so today was a great day.

I use a pressure hose and give everything a good going over. It is a time consuming job and everything gets wet, me included. It took an hour and a half to do the blinds and they sure look a lot cleaner now.

After lunch I helped a couple of the neighbours out with their computers. I haven't been happy with the email client I put on a new computer across the road so this afternoon I installed the old favorite 'Thunderbird 2'. I like the feel of this older email program, it is a lot like the old favorite, "Outlook Express". Newer email clients set up email accounts almost automatically. Thunderbird 2 is an older email program and each email account has to be manually setup. In some cases this can be a little hit and miss. I will need to return tomorrow to finish setting it all up.

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