Monday, April 19, 2010

Still Showery

There were another 15mls in the rain gauge this morning so we have now had about 5 inches of rain over the last few days. I tipped a total of just over 4 inches out of the rain gauge on Sunday morning. We are now getting towards the end of the rainy season here so this rainfall is not unusual. Caloundra is still about 2 inches short in total to reach the April average of about 7 inches. Daily top temps are around 26 degrees.

Sunday was a watch footy on TV day where my team had an excellent win. Most weeks we get all 8 AFL matches live but this week we only got 7 games. My team's match wasn't televised here at all so I had to record it last night to enjoy today.

Another bottling finished this morning so my beer supplies are now back to normal.

I continue to discover new things about my new ISP. Mainly extra services which are available to subscribers and everything seems really good. The extra download allocation I now have is great, I don't have to pick and choose quite so much.

Trish has a "Stitchers" Committee meeting this morning while this evening I have a Community Association Public Meeting to attend.

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